3 Messages


90 Points

Tuesday, September 26th, 2023 8:52 AM



My contribution is declined


I tried to upload one of my work experience several times and it's always declined. I sent my contract as a proof but it is still not going through.
Could you help me?



1.6K Messages


16K Points

1 year ago

Hi @lzukk,

Please can you provide the 18-digit submission reference for the relevant submission so we may look into this for you?


3 Messages


90 Points

Hello Ozzy, 

Here is the number : 230926-094626-765000

Thank you



1.6K Messages


16K Points

Hi @lzukk,

Thank you. I can see that the credit you are trying to add is already live on the title page and your name page. Can you confirm this is also the case on your end?


3 Messages


90 Points

Yes it is but just for one episode. I can see other member of the crew have "unkwown episodes" and as I worked for 2 seasons on the show I would like it to be more representative of my work



1.6K Messages


16K Points

Hi @lzukk,

The credits listed with "unknown episodes" attributes were likely added before an episode was attached to this title page. Since there is now an episode attached, it is impossible to gain that attribute.

You will now need to contribute credits to the episodes you have worked on by adding new episodes, please see guidance on how to do this on our help page. Once episodes are added, you can then add credits to single episodes or in bulk. We have guidance on how to do this on this help page.

I hope this helps!