EncompassMusicPartners's profile

13 Messages


190 Points

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024 11:12 PM


Multiple Submissions Being Denied Even With Proof Attached

I've been uploading credits under the music contractor "PETER ROTTER" and they have all been denied. Even the credits that have proof attached and/or are marked as "uncredited." I am unsure how to proceed given that Peter is involved in dozens of projects annually, causing a significant delay in the addition of credits to his account.



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

5 months ago

Hi @EncompassMusicPartners,

Please can you provide us with the 18-digit submission references for these declined contributions so we can take a look for you. You can find these in your Contribution History.


13 Messages


190 Points

Thank you! Sorry, I have a lot that I need help with. 



































































1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @EncompassMusicPartners,

Thank you for the submission references.

I can confirm that these credit additions were declined as we were unable to verify the information you were attempting to contribute.

We therefore encourage you to re-submit these credits and follow the instructions in our Help guide for providing suitable evidence for credits. This will entail supplying evidence of the on-screen credits when a person is credited, or the number of suitable evidence examples given for when a person is uncredited. Where possible, please also ensure that the credit addition is formatted accurately as to how it appears on-screen.


13 Messages


190 Points

Hi Ozzy,

I have submitted the necessary documents in the form of contracts to verify the legitimacy of Peter's work on each film/TV show. However, the following submissions have been denied despite providing substantial evidence. I am unsure of what more proof can be provided to validate the information.



Can you also please clarify why the other submissions were denied? We've never run into this problem before. As you can see on his profile, he has many credits that have been accepted without the need for contract submission to support the claim. Often, labeled as (uncredited).

Thank you. 



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@EncompassMusicPartners​ Hi! We have resubmitted on you behalf and approved, both processing errors. For the previous ones as Ozzy explained our editors were unable to verify, different criteria is used to make this decision and it can't be disclosed.


13 Messages


190 Points

Thank you. I will resubmit the ones you were not able to verify with as much proof as I can offer. 

Can you please advise regarding this reference that was denied with contractual proof attached? #240307-204804-241000



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@EncompassMusicPartners​ In this case, since it is not an uncredited credit, we do need evidence from the on-screen credits, if no on-screen credit was received please add the (uncredited) attribute.


13 Messages


190 Points

Sorry, if I'm not understanding correctly. So you are saying that the contract that I uploaded with this submission will work as long as I add the (uncredited) attribute?



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @EncompassMusicPartners,

You should only add the (uncredited) attribute if the person did not receive an on-screen credit for this title. If they were not credited on-screen, a contract should be sufficient evidence to verify the work was completed on that title. Please re-submit with this evidence for our editors to review.


13 Messages


190 Points

I have re-submitted #240516-194303-677000

Thank you 

13 Messages


190 Points

this submission was also denied 240409-173608-592000

I marked it as uncredited and provided contractual proof that he worked on the production.  

240409-192803-442000 - this was denied even though I provided proof and he was credited on screen. 



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @EncompassMusicPartners,

I can confirm the items submitted in #240516-194303-677000 were all approved bar one that was a duplicate of already live information.

As for #240409-173608-592000 and #240409-192803-442000, you will need to re-submit with the evidence you've referenced above so our editors to review for approval.

Thank you!

13 Messages


190 Points

Hi Ozzy, 

Thank you for your continued guidance. I will resubmit #240409-173608-592000, but can you please explain to me why I will need to? The evidence is linked in that submission. 



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @EncompassMusicPartners,

No problem at all! We can no longer access the evidence in this submission per our privacy policies. Therefore, in order for us to review this contribution and assess whether a processing error occurred or further action is required, you will need to re-submit the credits with the evidence for our editors to review.

I hope this helps!

13 Messages


190 Points

Hi, this submission was denied #240604-212431-300000 for Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) {Part IV (#1.4)}(uncredited)Orchestra Contractor

I submitted evidence and noted that the code name for the confidential scoring sessions was "Joshua Tree." On the AFM contracts, it will be labeled as such. urn:alx:doc:937a93d2-a8ca-450d-ba84-56832d6ccf2d:2c3955f3-9a28-4861-8e6f-01d346413348. 

Please advise. 



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@EncompassMusicPartners​ Seems as if the document was not uploaded correctly and we couldn't open it to verify. Can you resubmit or post evidence here?


13 Messages


190 Points

Can you please advise why these were denied?




1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @EncompassMusicPartners,

These submissions were declined as we could not verify the credits you were adding based on the evidence you had provided. If the individual was credited on-screen, we will need evidence of their name in the on-screen credits for each title. If they were not credited on-screen, the credit will need to be contributed with the "(uncredited)" attribute.

I hope this helps!

13 Messages


190 Points

A contract of his services provided which states his credit and involvement in the project is not enough to verify? 



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @EncompassMusicPartners,

As with all credits submitted to IMDb, we rely on the on-screen credits to verify the accuracy of the credits. In order to approve these credit additions as you have submitted them, we require evidence of each title's on-screen credits.

Please see our Credit Eligibility FAQ for more information.


13 Messages


190 Points

I have never uploaded screenshots of the credit roll in the past and previous ones have been approved, only based on the contracts we've uploaded. Why have those been accepted but all of my recent submissions have not?  Also, if I personally don't have access to all the various streaming services to watch all of the credit rolls from the hundreds of films to his name, can I add the "uncredited" attribute, along with the contract submission in order to be approved? 



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @EncompassMusicPartners,

I cannot speak for why previous credits were approved without on-screen evidence without knowing specific examples, although this should not have been the case. As mentioned before, we verify credited credits based on the on-screen credits of the title, which means you should not be submitting credits with the "(uncredited)" attribute if the person is in fact credited, just to get the credit live on their page. We appreciate access to the on-screen credits for numerous titles isn't freely available, however this is our policy when it comes to verifying and accepting credited credits.

I hope this helps!

13 Messages


190 Points

Thank you Ozzy, I understand the importance of maintaining accurate on-screen credits. However, I'd like to clarify the purpose of the "(uncredited)" attribute on IMDb. Is this attribute specifically used in submissions where there is no on-screen credit or no proof of an on-screen credit?



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi @EncompassMusicPartners​ -

Yes, that is correct.  The 'uncredited' attribute should be used when the role was not credited within the on-screen credits.  For more information about 'uncredited' use cases, you can review our Help Guide.
