1 Message


70 Points

Sunday, January 28th, 2024 6:11 AM


Multiple movies by the same person being review bombed.

So I was looking at an IMDB page for a movie I remember being 7/10, but when I recently checked, it had dropped to 6.6/10 (5.8 Unweighted). So using the Wayback Machine, I looked at the review section of the movie from a year ago, and in the past year, while every other rating has barely changed, or only gone up 1 or 2 reviews, the 1 star ratings for the movie have went up by almost 30 entire reviews. I am 100% sure this movie is being review bombed, so is there anyway to report it? Or can IMDb not do anything about it.

Image 1 (March 2023): The reviews seem normal, only 7 one star reviews.
Image 2 (Currently): The number of 10 star reviews have gone up by 2.

9 star reviews up by 1,

8 star reviews up by 2

7 star reviews up by 2

6 star reviews up by 3

5 star reviews up by 2

4 star reviews stayed the same (2)

3 star reviews stayed the same (1)

2 star reviews went up by 1 (from 0)

1 star reviews went by an entire 26 reviews

It's not just this film, it is most of Joel Haver's films. In the past year:

'We Have To Leave Here Together' (2022) has had an increase of 31 one star reviews (while every other score has had an increase of 3-4 reviews.

'Island' (2019) has had an increase of 29 one-star reviews (while every other score has had an increase of 1-2 reviews), despite the fact that this film was taken down a week after release, and has been IMPOSSIBLE TO WATCH FOR THE PAST 3 YEARS.

Every single film by Joel Haver has had an increase of around 30 one star reviews in the past year, making his scores drop from 

7.0 (7.0 Unweighted)-> 6.6 (5.8 Unweighted)
7.0 (7.0 Unweighted) -> 4.8 (4.9 Unweighted)

6.9 (6.9 Unweighted) -> 5.0 (4.9 Unweighted)

Finally, a screenshot showing the amount of one-star reviews for his film 'The Bad Guy, the Wolf, and The Surprise Party' compared to every other score.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

8 months ago

Hi @CH1217 -

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.    

We are aware that there are people who may vote for the sole purpose of trying to inflate/deflate the rating for a movie. We have several safeguards in place to automatically detect and defeat this type of ballot stuffing: even though we count and display all unaltered votes in the rating breakdown, we apply several countermeasures against all attempts to skew the rating for the weighted rating you see displayed on the site. We will review the title in question to ensure that the weighted average is displaying as intended. 

For more information on our abuse detection methods, or details about IMDb ratings and weighted averages, please refer to our Ratings FAQ.