101 Messages
2.7K Points
Movie FX and Cine Qua Non are companies, not people
Both Movie FX and Cine Qua Non are listed as a company ( https://pro.imdb.com/company/co0724523/ and https://pro.imdb.com/company/co0342576/, respectively) as well as an individual ( https://pro.imdb.com/company/co0342576/ and https://pro.imdb.com/name/nm7543710/ respectively). Both are companies, not people. As such, the two "people" page should be deleted. I have migrated all the credits that were listed on the people pages to the respective company page.
2.7K Messages
28.2K Points
2 months ago
Hello gene_chin, I have removed the incorrect name page (https://pro.imdb.com/name/nm7543710/ ), the changes will be live on the site shortly! If there is anything missing please let me know! Cheers!