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138.9K Points

Thursday, January 28th, 2016 10:17 PM


Movie Connections - TV anthology episodes

Is there any way to indicate that a TV episode from an anthology series was a pilot to what eventually became a TV series.

I've attempted to add two episodes from a 1960s anthology that became a series but neither item has been processed.

Ref: 160107-172331-516000
Ref: 150827-232247-580000

I did notice a different example which was accepted as a "spin-off from"

More often than not, the information was usually listed in the
Trivia sections of the TV shows pages.

Just wanted some clarifications on this subject. Thank you for your time.

2 Messages


90 Points

9 years ago

As it was explained to me in the contributers forum (cause the posted guides don't offer any help)- The proper way to add these (assuming they are the exact same episode/film) is:

  • leave the original (first release) title in its feature film/episode slot with all cast/crew/director/writerbox office/et al listed 
  • add the one that had the later release as an episode, do NOT include any cast/crew/director/writer/box office/et al unless this credit is new to this release (example: presenter that gives a monolouge about it at the beginning) By adding these to the second episide it creates duplicate credits on that persons page.
  • Use the features/featured attribute in movie connections, in which the the later release "features" the entire original release. Or the original release is featured in the later release. Either way, but just choose one, it counterpart will be created automatically

It was also pointed out to me that any other way is technically wrong, especially if it creates duplicate credits on a name for the same title

hope that helps