Peter_pbn's profile



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Friday, August 5th, 2022 2:27 AM

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Modify restrictions on marketing credits

Existing rule:

There are certain types of credits that we do not list unless they are specifically credited on-screen: these include work on marketing elements of a title (work on key art, trailers etc.), or on non-theatrical versions (e.g. DVD authoring, supplemental materials, captioning etc.), or on localized releases (dubbing, dialogue translation/editing on foreign versions etc.). We do not list these credits unless the person has received an on-screen credit for their work in the original version of the title.

At the same time, many credits for things like uncredited poster design have been accepted. It also seems clear that information about who designed a poster or directed a trailer is of interest to movie fans. I suggest that the written restriction regarding marketing elements could be loosened.

Versions of the current rule appear in these help pages:

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