daniele_iannarelli's profile

44 Messages


1.5K Points

Wednesday, February 6th, 2019 9:59 PM

Missing reviews

On Saturday, I posted my review for “Under The Shadow”. After three days it still had not been published. Then, yesterday, it eventually appeared in my list of reviews. However, when I checked the reviews list under the film itself... it’s not there! It’s only under my list of reviews under my profile. Please advise.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

6 years ago

I posted my review for “Under The Shadow”.
by .Daniele Iannarelli
Joined on January 9, 2019
- - -

? ?

IMDb member since April 2016
https://www.imdb.com/user/ur66217985/reviews - 29 Reviews

Under the Shadow (2016)

https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4273292/reviews - 78 Reviews


Review of Under the Shadow
Slow and badly dubbed 
3 February 2019

44 Messages


1.5K Points

In good faith, I write and ask for help regarding a problem I’ve experienced.

In response, I receive an email full of gobbledygook and not even the courtesy of an explanation.

I have no idea what your response means... thank you for that!

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points


Review of Under the Shadow
Slow and badly dubbed 
 February 2019
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Warning: Spoilers

Very slow, boring and plodding... basically, a dirge!

Particularly due to the bad dubbing and its amateurish voice acting, I find it difficult to give this a truly objective appraisal.

Although the dubbing accent was (general) American, near the beginning the little girl referred to her mother as (British) "mummy" rather than (American) "mommy". Immediate conflict for the viewer.

As for the voice acting, it was stilted, lacking in truth and simply not believable... the American accent just seemed inappropriate and just did not seem to fit. This is true for most dubbed movies. Probably the best, and most professional, dubbing lies with the Italian film industry. I say the best although I am still 'anti-dubbing'.

The essence of an actor (although there are exceptions, e.g. silent movies, mime etc) is his voice. For truth in acting, we need to experience the match in his total, true physicality of expression... voice with locomotion with poise with characteristics with traits etc. With dubbing, there is always an ill-fitting piece of the jigsaw. Something just does not gel... and this is the major problem with this movie.

However, the film does offer a few (although over-the-top) scary moments later on - perhaps from around 40mins before the end. These are marred, though, by being somewhat excessive and over-the-top, and also by the lead actress (Narges Rashidi) simply not being scared enough... she simply comes across as - let's say - too brave.

Overall disappointing, especially considering that one of my favourite critics, Mark Kermode, rated it favourably.

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8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

Daniele Iannarelli is looking for his review

Says it is on his Profile page
So I added a link to that for all to see

He says it is Not on the Title page
I added the title page and reviews page for all to see

I found his review on the title page
and added a link to that for all to see

and no one saw nuttin

You did not look and sent Daniele to his History page


44 Messages


1.5K Points

6 years ago

I’ve clicked the link and I see the review. So what??? My problem has not been addressed.

As I’ve said... the review IS in my reviews list under my profile. Despite this, it is not seen in the generally reviews list under the film title itself.

Daniele Iannarelli

44 Messages


1.5K Points

It was green, accepted. As I've said... it IS present under my profile, under my list of reviews... it is just not seen in the public view under the film title list of reviews.
By the way... I'm a HE, not a SHE.

44 Messages


1.5K Points

I've NO IDEA where to find my 18-digit contribution number. IMDB doesn't make it easy at all.

I've just checked, and now my review is available publicly, so all seems fine. However, when I check the public view on my iPhone, my review isn't there. It is only to be found when I use my iMac.

There's another issue I feel I should report here...

44 Messages


1.5K Points

In - again - my iPhone IMDB, I can sort reviews by "review date" rather than helpfulness and it works fine. However, when I go to my profile and look at my list of reviews, I click sort by "Review date", I then click "Refine"... and it works. However... it doesn't hold. It doesn't stay that way. The next time I go back in... I have to change it again to "Review date".
Seems like a bug or glitch.

8.9K Messages


165.9K Points

3 years ago

In last times it more and more happens that IMDb "swallows" my reviews. They aren't released. Now tried another, this time without VPN:

IMDb update receipt #210910-122944-187204

I think it isn't ok to deny VPN. Maybe that one goes online. Let's have a look.