48 Messages


894 Points

Friday, May 21st, 2021 2:00 PM


Missing review

Dear IMDB,

Yesterday I wrote my first two reviews but only one is out there.

The second never appeared in the movie page nor in my activity page.

Is there something like limits of one review a day or some other rule I don't know?





17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

3 years ago

Hi uomotorta -

There is no limit on the how many User Reviews can be submitted on a single day.

I understand that one of the two User Reviews you submitted was approved, do you have the 18-digit submission reference number associated with the second review?

48 Messages


894 Points

Hi Michelle,

Thank you for your reply!!!

I didn't know about the submission reference number and I didn't check emails.

Now I see what happened and I know how to check for future submissions.

Checking reference #210520-144641-109304 I see that in fact it was not accepted as it "Does not meet contribution guidelines".

I'll try to rephrase and to be more clear.

Kind regards,


48 Messages


894 Points

Dear @Michelle,

I ask you since you were very kind in replying me.

I submitted a different review on  the same movie ("The Bith of a Nation") and it was rejected again.

Could you help me understanding the reason? I feel like I meet all the guidelines and it's for sure not my intention to go against those important and simple rules.

Hence I really would like to understand which guidelines I did not meet  so that I can adjust in the future.

kind regards,


48 Messages


894 Points

Dear @Michelle,

Here is the reference of my rejected review:


Can you (or somebody else in IMDb) help me understanding the reason for the rejection?

kind regards,




17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

3 years ago

Hi uomotorta -

I was unable to identify any violating content within your declined User Review.

Therefore, please re-submit your review and immediately after submitting, post the submission reference number here so I can take a look and approve it for you.


48 Messages


894 Points

Dear Michelle,

Thank you for your reply.

I just re-submitted my review with reference: #210530-142742-173604

kind regards,




17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

3 years ago

Hi uomotorta -


Apologies for the delayed response, I can see that your re-submitted User Review was again declined, it had been declined before I was able to reach it.


If you would like to try again, please re-submit and promptly post an update to this thread with the submission reference number, also making sure to flag my name, "@Michelle" and I will do my best to catch it.