44 Messages


780 Points

Sunday, June 4th, 2023 9:56 AM


Missing full Episode

I am actually at "21 Jump Street", was searching for some cast and had to recognize, that there is missing one FULL EPISODE of Season 4!


Directly after Ep. 9 there is listed "Wheels and Deals: Part 2" as Episode 10! But where is "Wheels and Deals: Part 1"? That should be Ep. 10 and all further, starting with the mentioned "Part 2" are one number higher



3K Messages


72.5K Points

1 year ago

Wheels and Deals: Part 1 is part of the series Booker. Booker is a spinoff of 21 Jump Street and these are crossover episodes. It was streaming on Freevee but I don't if it still is.

44 Messages


780 Points

1 year ago

But as it is part of the "21 Jump Street" DVD Series also, what about that? It has the intro, credits etc. of "21 Jump Street". I'd like to say that they did the crossover for BOTH series, different episodes with the same title for each show? The only thing I could compare is the Arrowverse, when they had several "Crisis"-Episodes (with the same title) for Arrow, Supergirl, Flash etc.



3K Messages


72.5K Points


It is not part of 21 Jump Street and never was (It's probably provided on the DVD sets for completeness sake as not many people remember Booker). I cannot comment on why it would have a 21 Jump Street intro. I've streamed the episode and it has the normal (changed intro because the original Booker them was done by Billy Idol and they didn't license it for the re-releases.)

Also, the crisis episodes belong to exactly one series for each episode.

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

There are trivia items on both pages to explain it:


How they are structured in DVD releases for convenience should not matter, that's not how they are aired.

44 Messages


780 Points

1 year ago

Just to prove, take a look at this: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5hor89

44 Messages


780 Points

1 year ago

Well, that's even more confusing! To avoid the same question from further people: Would it make sense to place this info directly into the episode list of 21 Jump Street? It is on the DVDs, the Complete Box includes 103 Episodes this way (altough IMDB only counts 102), and I am quite sure that there will be other people asking the same and not able to understand without additional research. The fun fact on DVD is that "Part 1" has German synchronisation on DVD, "Part 2" only has original sound (English) and no synchro.

According to the "Crisis"-Episodes: They got all the same "title", only calling it "part ..." in the different series.



3K Messages


72.5K Points


No. It does not make sense to list an episode that is not part of a series in a series. How in the world does that make sense? You do know crossovers are fairly common, right? They happen in the Arrowverse, the Chicago series, Law & Order and others.

It's on the 21 Jump Street DVDs (most likely) because Booker was not available at the time. The unedited version of Booker (with the Billy Idol theme song) still isn't available in the US though it has aired in other countries.


1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

It's usual DVD sets include related materials as a bonus, like a related episode from a related show or even a related movie. That doesn't mean they should be added as episodes to series page.

44 Messages


780 Points

If it would have been only bonus, I never started this thread! The bonus is - like mentioned before - the "Part 2" (Original Version), "Part 1" is NOT Bonus, it is a regular episode on the 21 Jump Street DVD!

And that's the reason why I asked to put the info into the episode list! Just imagine all the german buyers of the DVD Set - and only half of them searching for the "Part 1"-Episode of "21 Jump Street" and nobody is able to find! Just imagine! Especially as there is no info neither on the DVD nor the cover nor the booklet that this episode is NOT part of the series. 99 % of them would only think like: "Well, IMDB, not known so much for good data, who wonders?"



3K Messages


72.5K Points


I honestly don't understand why you aren't comprehending that just because it exists on the DVD does not make it an episode of 21 Jump Street regardless how it is shown. It probably used 21 Jump Street opening/closing because of the copyright issues with the original theme song to Booker. 

Any casual search, including searching for Wheels and Deals: Part 1 on IMDb would show that it was part of Booker as would the numerous wikis dedicated to the shows. Almost no one would assume this with the briefest amount of research (except for you obviously).