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554 Messages


10.5K Points

Wednesday, March 17th, 2021 11:23 PM


Merge requests stuck in pending Hell...

I know for a fact that I submitted these merges WEEKS ago, and at least once... when I started to clean up the entry for chat show "Wogan", there were over 140 "unknown" episodes, and I created a spreadsheet to keep track of which ones I'd submitted.

There are still four, and all four have been submitted at least once:

None of them are difficult to verify, as all four are dated, and I've added the dates to every single episode of Wogan from BBC Genome.

Another issue with this show is that I got an episode deleted after much investigation and proof, etc. (An episode was cancelled at last minute due to the gulf war and the cited guests rearranged for later).

The episode was 11.9. Which now means I have to renumber 11.10 - 11.139 so they're all one number lower. Even as a complete nerd who's updating a chat show he doesn't even like that much, can I really justify submitting 129 renumber requests?

Accepted Solution



17.6K Messages


314.6K Points

4 years ago

Hi MovieCat -


Regarding the four Unknown episodes, to clarify, are you trying to merge them into other existing numbered episodes, or are you just trying to add new order numbers for these unknown listings?


With regard to the renumbering of the Season 11 "Wogan" episodes 11.10 - 11.139, I have filed a ticket for our editorial team to make the ordering adjustment, they will take a look as soon as they can.



554 Messages


10.5K Points

@Michelle Thank you Michelle.

Regarding the four unknown episodes, then every episode exists, so I put them through to be merged.

They should be merged with the following numbers: = Episode #9.71 = Episode 9.91 = Episode 9.92 = Episode 9.93

554 Messages


10.5K Points

Thank you @daniel_francis_gardecki, I don't normally have this issue, it's normally fairly quick.

But not with these last four...

554 Messages


10.5K Points

4 years ago

Just one to go!

I wish I'd been enough of a nerd to note how many there were at the start... ISTR it was at least 150.

554 Messages


10.5K Points

This is the frustrating thing, in that I back up the vast majority of my changes with evidence - then when it doesn't get accepted, I have to go back through it all again to "prove" something I've already proven.

I get the guest lists (Genome is pretty much useless in this regard, as the Radio Times had joke write-ups, presumably because the publish date was too far away) from archive newspapers.

I've just resubmitted it again, with a section of the newspaper listing, along with a screenshot of the changed title:

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

Providing the same proof more than once is not necessary. The idea is to come to this forum to request the "declined" status be foregone in favor of the "approved" status, based upon the content of the explanation fields associated with particular database items.

554 Messages


10.5K Points

4 years ago

It feels like the end of an era, as now ALL the "unknown" episodes of Wogan have been merged!!! Yay!!!

I'd never intended to do this. I'd never intended to add the dates to every episode. But I did that.

I'd never intended to add the guest list for all the episodes (over 1300 of them). But I'm in the middle of doing that.

This was a middle of the road chat show that even the host seemed to hate at times. It was a time-passer at best, with very rare exceptions. (A guest claiming to be the son of God was a highlight.)

Why am I doing this? God knows. I think I've lost the plot in lockdown.

2.8K Messages


83.7K Points

@MovieCat Well done! Middle of the road or not, ideally all episodes of all chat shows would be listed on IMDb. Having added quite some episodes for several Dutch chat shows, I know how time-consuming it is, so thanks for having done this!

554 Messages


10.5K Points

@Marco I think the hard part is that not all the guests are listed in newspapers, so what we can get is just a vague overview until the actual episodes appear on YouTube... which they do, frequently.