swtpete's profile

137 Messages


3.6K Points

Wednesday, August 21st, 2024 5:41 AM


Matt Walsh (XX) .. reverse lookups only work one-way..??

RE: IMDb help community post re Matt Walsh (XX) .. reverse lookups only work one-way..??

Why is it that:

https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9503133/?ref_=tt_rv_t0 Matt Walsh (XX)

Doesn't have BOTH these films listed on his Name/Person page, yet he appears in both? Is this a bug? 

https://www.imdb.com/title/tt20256528/reference/ What is a Woman, as Self .. But this title isn't shown on his person page..

https://www.imdb.com/title/tt33034103/reference/ Am I Racist, as Writer/Completed, but also appears in as self .. and this upcoming title DOES show on his person page. 

What is going on here? Thx.

Accepted Solution

460 Messages


14.6K Points

5 months ago

I can see both those titles on his name page in the “Self” section.

1K Messages


30.3K Points

5 months ago

I see both movies in Matt Walsh's "Self" column.

(If anything I might expect to see AM I RACIST? missing from the "Self" column because the movie has not yet been given the "Documentary" genre tag. Without that tag, movies usually end in the person's "Acting" column, even if the character is listed as "Self"; but maybe it's different for movies not yet released.)




7.4K Messages


180.9K Points

@jay_spirit​ A character name of “Self” will automatically place anyone in the Self category regardless as to whether the title has the documentary genre or not.  The question here is really whether these titles are actually documentaries or really just scripted fiction.  If the latter, the character name should be “Matt Walsh” which would move them back into the Actor category. 

1K Messages


30.3K Points


You're right. I was misremembering the reverse rule, which is that actors in re-enactments will appear in the "Self" column without the "re-enactment" keyword.

WHAT IS A WOMAN? and AM I RACIST? are both sold as unscripted documentaries, and that must be true because both include people who would have never agreed to be in them if they had known what they were really about.

137 Messages


3.6K Points

5 months ago

**BAD gui/layout IMHO**

On Android phone browser, in non Desktop mode, only "Actor" is shown by default. 😳😱

..I had no idea until these Comments below that there even is a "Self" section..

So, under "Credits" if I click on "Show All" a section called Self does appear. Sigh, but, anyheww thanks all. ✌️