josalyn_hanson_7534043's profile

12 Messages


334 Points

Saturday, March 17th, 2018 7:10 AM


Martial Arts Movies

 "Martial Arts" should be a genre (I'm pretty sure everyone would back me up on this)

133 Messages


3.5K Points

7 years ago

No.  I don't back you up on this.  Martial Arts is a sport.  If this is made a genre, then, logically, ALL sports would need to be genres.  You can already find martial arts titles by going to the keyword "martial-arts.".



7.4K Messages


275K Points

7 years ago

Josalyn: Currently, suggesting new genres to IMDb is unlikely to be effective. The IMDb staff approved five new genres in 2010, and they still have not been implemented after seven years. (Those were Awards Show, Erotica, Experimental, LIfestyle, and Soap Opera. See for details.)

If you want to start a campaign to have a Martial Arts genre implemented, that's fine, but you should be thinking of it as a very long-term goal, something that might take years to achieve.

12 Messages


334 Points

7 years ago

Yes, I think "Martial Arts" is a legitimate genre and I want to be able to look up movies using it.  I'm pretty sure at least a million other martial arts fans will agree.  I see the problem here is getting IMDB staff to actually do anything.  I'm willing to be hired to go through all gazillion movies and update their categorization if no existing employee will, so listen up IMDB!  Thanks for your response, gromit, and in advance for any suggestions you might have for continuing this (seemingly hopeless) fight!



1.3K Messages


43.8K Points

7 years ago

No, sorry Jocelyn,
I don't back you up either. "Martial Arts" is much too broad a category. Do you mean a fighting style that incorporates martial arts (which is most of them) or as a sport (which again is too wide a category)


12 Messages


334 Points

7 years ago

If you prefer to have no way of looking up any kind of martial arts films, may you live long and prosper elsewhere.  Meanwhile, I've started a "List" called "Martial Arts" which has only 100 movies on it so far, but I've just begun.  And I'm including every kind of martial art I know of, so those who like the genre will see other things they may have missed.  No need to visit it, Steve.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

7 years ago

Please remember IMDb also has an extensive keyword data-set already, reducing the need to create new genres with all of their overheads. 

In this case -> 

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

7 years ago

My own two cents:
One the one hand, I have always disliked the genre approach, because it is often difficult to set its limits. So I would not mind just relying on keywords rather that formalized genres.

Nevertheless, on the other hand, I think it is the number of movie made that make the related genre worth considering. And there have been tons of Chinese (broadly speeking) and Asian films which fit, most of them unreleased on Western screens.
Martial art movies have as strong a distinct identity as the other genres available in the genre list such as western, film-noir, musical, etc.

"Giallo" could also claim to be a genre on its own, but only a few dozens of them were made, whereas there has been several hundred movies, unless mistaken, which would fall under the martial art genre.

Therefore, I support the request, even though, I am aware that IMDb is very conservative and unlikely to consider it.

133 Messages


3.5K Points

But... this information is ALREADY available with the "martial-arts" keyword.  5516 titles have that as a keyword.  If one wants to know all of the martial-arts tiles listed, just go to that keyword.  "giallo" is a keyword for 295 titles.

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

Phil, if genres and keywords could do one for another, there would be a need for a difference.
A kiss in a movie does not make it a romantic movie. Martial arts in Kill Bill do not make it a martial art one as meant by Josalyn Hanson.

133 Messages


3.5K Points

This would seem to support something that I have suggested for years: certain keywords need definitions.