2 Messages


136 Points

Saturday, February 24th, 2024 7:27 AM


Mannix, goof submission, s5e19

On Mannix, s5e19, last year after watching on METV, I had submitted that at the beginning, Tom Fortune calls out "Connors!" (the actor's last name) instead of "Mannix!" as it clearly should be. But this year, watching it again on TV and simultaneously watching on FRNDLY's METV channel, it still sounds like "Connors!" on TV, but like "Mannix" on FRNDLY. Should I delete my "goof submission"? I can't even begin to understand why it sounds so different on the 2 outlets. Please help! I don't want to lie!

Accepted Solution



2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

7 months ago

Hello JJWhorley,

You can modify the entry explaining exactly the same behavior that you mentioned in order to clarify for other users the Goof. Some title may be edited in order to have this errors fixed, however that does not mean that your Goof is not correct.

You can find more Goof information in our Help Articles.  

2 Messages


136 Points

TY. I'll do that! I just figured everyone would tell me to delete it, that I was wrong.