Marco's profile

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Saturday, January 27th, 2018 2:06 PM

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Make sure reviews are reviews again (minimum of 50 words instead of 50 characters)

Idea: Make sure reviews are reviews again.
Current situation: Recently, IMDb has decided that a user review should at least have 50 characters. I feel it is impossible to write a review in - let's say - 60 or 70 characters. However, because IMDb allows this, a lot of useful, insightful observations like "I like this movie a lot, it's brilliant. I think it's the best film ever!" (73 characters) surface.
How to fix this situation: IMDb should decide that a user review should at least have 50 words instead of 50 characters. (obviously, another number of words or characters could also be chosen, but the current number stated is just plain silly and doesn't show much respect for the real review writers, or the customers of the site for that matter)
How you can help getting this done?: By replying to this post and liking this thread and following this thread.
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