3 Messages


102 Points

Saturday, November 25th, 2023 4:12 PM


Looking for user reviewer ma-cortes

I am looking for IMDb user, ma-Cortes. Whoever this guy is, he does great reviews. I have come to be able to recognize his style and use of English within seconds of reading and love his reviews. Especially for spaghetti Westerns and Westerns in general, but really all of his reviews are outstanding.   

Is there any way to contact an IMDb user reviewer?

And ma-cortes, if you are here and see this, please either PM me or reply to this topic. I would like to thank you personally and ask you about other movies. 



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

10 months ago

Hi @Chaplain_America -

We currently don't support direct messaging on the IMDb site, sorry.  It is also against our privacy policy to share user contact information. So we are unable to provide you with the contact information.
