2 Messages
80 Points
Localization not taken into account for plot summary pages
For movie https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2848734/, localizaion preferences in french "Français - France"
there is a plot summary in french started in main page by "Alex, Antoine et Manu rencontrent Jean, un solitaire, qui ignore les plaisirs de l'amitié. Peu à peu, ils apprennent à se connaître. Jean est touché par la complicité qui nourrit leur relati... Tout lire"
However when clicking on the followup link, the page is empty
"Il semblerait que nous n'ayons pas encore de intrigue pour ce titre. Soyez la première personne à participer.
More generally, localization does not work for plot summary pages
main page plot teaser "Le soir de l'inauguration d'un gigantesque building" in french
plot page https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072308/plotsummary/?ref_=tt_ov_pl
"Résumés" (section title in french)
"At the opening party of a colossal, but poorly constructed, office building,"
7.2K Messages
178.3K Points
10 days ago
@Oliivier Thanks for the feedback. The above is as expected. You can find an explanation of the difference between plot outlines and plot summaries at https://help.imdb.com/article/contribution/titles/plots/G56STCKTK7ESG7CP. At the present time only plot outlines can be localized; plot summaries are always in English. Over the longer term this is something which we would like to change.
Hope this helps.