dschneider's profile

3 Messages


196 Points

Wednesday, March 1st, 2023 9:07 PM


Linking Photos to Display Title Rather Than Title Number

I would like to update the link between a photo on an actor page and the movie it's from. I can't find the option to update that link. I see these from time to time and I'm finally asking so I can fix them rather than just leaving them alone. Can you please direct me? If you fix it, can you still direct me for future reference?

Actor: nm0888345

Under "Unlinked Title" it shows: "tt0083169 (1)" rather than "Taps (1981) (1)".

It looks like the "refine" attribute in the existing link is incorrect and needs to be corrected to refer to "tt0083169" (rather than "rg4129135104") but I can't find how to access it in the edit interface. I tried "To update data for categories that aren't listed above, select this box", but I didn't see an option for "Photos".

Thank you!


Accepted Solution



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

1 year ago

Hi @dschneider -

This has now been solved.




17.2K Messages


310K Points

2 years ago

Hi @dschneider -

This appears to be a bug that will need to be reviewed by our technical team.  I have filed a ticket for an investigation/fix, as soon as I have an update I will post it here.


3 Messages


196 Points

2 years ago

Thank you so much Michelle! I use IMDb a LOT and I like to submit fixes for stuff when I see it (call it OCD). With this one I just couldn't figure out how. I look forward to your findings. 



17.2K Messages


310K Points

Hi @dschneider​ -

Thanks again for reporting (and we appreciate your efforts to submit fixes on the site!).  This does look like some kind of tech bug on our side, so we'll see what the technical team uncovers. Cheers!

3 Messages


196 Points

1 year ago

Thank YOU Bethanny! That's great news!