il_ya_ginzburg's profile

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446 Points

Tuesday, May 26th, 2020 1:27 PM


Limit voting suggestion due to fake voting


I know that this issue of fake voting is brought once in a while and the usual once is "we know about it", but I still would like to raise your attention to a few clearly fake votings and suggestion a way to deal with it (at least improve the situation a bit), because it's very hard to almost impossible to check "every film".

First of all the example (so you can at least try to deal with those specifically): - On March 15th 2019 the film had 314 votes, half a year later (November 2019) only another 9 voters were added. Right now it stands on 437 votes.
This means that Afghan film from 2004 got another 25% votes in just half a year and all of them seem to be positive (during November it stand on 7,0 rating and now 7,8)... BTW, the film is great, but it seems very suspicious. - During less than a month (from November 9th, 2017 till December 6th, 2017)  115 votes were added to the film. In two and a half years since then less than 70 people have voted for the film. - During the 1st 2 years of its distribution (from July 2017 till July 6th, 2019) only 60 people have voted for this title. About half a year ago about 100 (!) votes were added (and this before the film were available on Demand). All of them are negative. And again since them only a few votes were added. - During less than a month (from October 14th, 2017 till November 9th, 2017) more than 700 votes were added. In two and a half years since this only a bit more than 100. - - During less than a month (from October 14th, 2017 till November 9th, 2017) more than 1000 votes were added.  In two and a half years since this only a bit more than 100. - I know that Turkish movies are a hard story (along with Indian) and harder to indicate, but during less than a month (from October 14th, 2017 till November 9th, 2017) it got more than 7000 votes, during the next month another 6500... Since then (two and a half years) it only doubled (which means that it got the same amount of votes in less than 60 days of its release like it got in the next 700 days), some of them I suppose are also fake. - Less clear case, because I've 1st checked its rating almost a year since its release, but it's Macedonian (!) film has got almost 700 votes in its 1st year (you can follow it on webarchive:*/ and only 400 in a year and a half since than. Again, not clear, but suspicious enough to check - During less than a month (from October 20th till November 12, 2019) more than 3800 votes were added. Half a year since it had only another 180 votes. -  "The Perfect Candidate" got 100 votes immediately with its release in Venice. Some of them are hate fake votes. - In 1st 11 months since its premiere (the 1st time I have checked its rating) the film got more than 600 votes. In the 19th months since, only less than 150 votes were added.

I know that the cases of the film I show are small, but for me it makes it even more important to get a clear voting result for them. While it also hurts the trust we have in IMDB ratings in general. 
It's also almost impossible to check and indicate each and every case (not just those small scales I have shown, but many others) so I propose automatically not add and not count the votes from users that has less than 20-50 films voted (of course, you should not publish the needed amount of votes so the voting would start counting)... I suppose most of fake voting are done by fake users that have just registrated only to improve/ruin the rating of a specific film and maybe add another few ratings "just for fun"... Making a small voting barrier will help indicate those users. 
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