david_schaub's profile

1 Message


70 Points

Sunday, March 13th, 2016 11:35 PM


Length of END CREDITS?

Is there anywhere in the imdb database that delineates LENGTH OF END CREDITS?
Movie run times are readily available in the database (which INCLUDES end credits), but a critical piece of data is the length of credits - conversely, the length of the film without the credits.  Is this a data field that I'm missing somewhere? ... or is it a field that could be added to the database?  The length of creative construct of the film is incredibly useful data for writers and others in the field of movie analytics.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.



194 Messages


8.3K Points

9 years ago

No David,

This is not an area tracked by IMDb, except possibly as a trivia note on some titles with exceptionally long credit scrolls or ones interrupted by cut scenes and/or goofs.

Perhaps there are others here that feel this info deserves a place of its own, who'll "Me Too" your suggestion. I just feel like there are way more important deficiencies of the database that need to be addressed before embarking on something I feel will be of value only to a limited number of users.

2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

9 years ago

...but a critical piece of data is the length of credits 
Just being curious, but why is it "critical piece of data"?