Rachel's profile



161 Messages


5.9K Points

Thursday, November 18th, 2021 2:33 PM

Launch Announcement: Music Video Title Type


Following our launch of Podcasts last month. We are happy to announce that as of today, we have fully launched a new title type for Music Videos.

From today, there is a new option available within our New Title Form -> https://contribute.imdb.com/updates?update=title for Music Video.

We have also made changes across all IMDb & IMDbPro web and app experiences to ensure that titles of this type have the correct type displayed, and that music videos are discoverable via search features. For example:-

Adele: Easy on Me → https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15567264/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1

Credits for Music Videos are displayed appropriate on their pages e.g. on Adele’s page → https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2233157/ you see:-

Music Videos are discoverable via our Advance Title Search -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=music_video  

We have updated the associated submission guide -> https://help.imdb.com/article/contribution/titles/submitting-podcasts-commercials-or-music-videos/G75CJL7UUDSWV7U5#

Please do let me know if you have any questions, or spot any issues.



2.7K Messages


82.6K Points

3 years ago

Music Videos are discoverable via our Advance Title Search -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=music-video

This is a link to podcast series and episodes, so you might want to change that. :)

Podcasts and music videos are currently not a separate category in the "jump to" section of one's name page. Are there plans to change that? I think this would be useful for the customers of IMDb.

Apart from the above, I'm happy to see a new title type for music videos, thanks!



161 Messages


5.9K Points

@Marco Aye Caramba, Nobody's Perfect ->Some Like It Hot (1959) - Quotes - IMDb (I've fixed the link).

Yes, one of the future enhancements we are considering is the creation of a Music Video/Podcasting section as you describe.  

Let me know if you have any more feedback.



2.7K Messages


82.6K Points

@Rachel Thanks. Lovely film, Some Like It Hot. :)

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

3 years ago

Existing titles are manually converted right? I checked some music videos I added, only a few of them were converted to new type.



161 Messages


5.9K Points



Yes, we have manually converted 25K titles, but you are correct, there are still more that need to be converted.  The team area actively working in this space, but making sure they are correctly converted takes some time.

Thanks for checking.   



5 Messages


50 Points

Great feature!

Manual converted is a very tedious job. I would recommend some kind of automatic converted. The following list is actually very good for this:


Only music videos as genre short and this keyword. The error rate should be less than 0,5%.

Just a little tip. 




161 Messages


5.9K Points


Thanks for the feedback. The team has another session on this tomorrow. 

We started with all the titles that fitted the above pattern (plus title_type=video), and had a title text of <Artist>: <Song>.  That got us the first 25K, after we manually checked them and migrated them in small batches.

This query Sort by Popularity - Most Popular Short Movies and TV Shows tagged with keyword "music-video" - IMDb shows a remaining 50K, which we need to work through (and excludes the 25K where title_type= music_video we already migrated).

Appreciate the tip.



5 Messages


50 Points

Sounds good. Thanks for the answer.

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

5 Messages


50 Points

Thanks! You're right!

Unfortunately, some music videos were entered as short films or have no genre music or something.


and there are 100s music videos without the keyword music-video and without an artist in the title.




161 Messages


5.9K Points

@nicmos Yes, the team did another pass today, looking for the <Artist>: <Song> pattern, for people we were able to determine were Artists.  We ordered these by Artist and have just completed the migration from Adele to ZZ Top.  We now have just over 50K Music Videos listed -> Music Video (Sorted by Popularity Ascending) - IMDb

There are live examples where the title is a music video and is not pre-fixed by the artist name that we are looking into.

We have also spotted that the search that is limited to the title type 'Video' is also returning 'Music Videos' (which makes this harder), the team is looking into it.

Really appreciate your feedback and ideas.





5K Messages


118K Points

3 years ago

I'm not conversant with these titles, but should the 4 video shorts below be converted to Music Videos? And will the heading become "music video" instead of "short" someday?



161 Messages


5.9K Points

@bderoes Thanks.  We should not be appending 'short' after Music Video on name pages.  We spotted this late in the launch cycle and have a task to fix in the coming days.

(I can also see some Adele Music Videos we missed too in your screen grab, I'll go an fix them now).

Thanks for the feedback.






161 Messages


5.9K Points

@bderoes They are fixed now (I don't have the "Display credits separately for Movie and TV preference set").


5 Messages


50 Points

3 years ago

Just by the way: There is also a mixture of short film and music videos, in which several songs are played:

3 examples:




This would have to be regulated exactly. Thanks.

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

3 years ago

Title correction form's "3. Tips for Changing title type submissions" section was updated after Podcast title type, it could use an update now too.

Also this page could use an update as well: https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/discover-watch/how-do-you-decide-if-a-title-is-a-film-a-tv-movie-or-a-miniseries/GKUQEMEFSM54T2KT



161 Messages


5.9K Points

@mbmb Thank you for feedback.  We've updated the guide.



5 Messages


50 Points

3 years ago

A little addition to the guidelines:


The genre short should be added. Many new entries no longer have a short genre! Music videos are actually short films too, or not?

You could also add it automatically..+genre music (possible +genre short) +keyword music-video. Otherwise too many mistakes will be made.


1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

+1, new title creations with Music Video type do not get Short genre added. Would like a clarification if we need to add it.



161 Messages


5.9K Points


As Music Videos are a stand alone type, they do not require the short genre to be added.

I'll reply to your other post inline.



1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

3 years ago

Found kind of a bug (I think)

New title form always says "We already have titles which are similar to" because it looks like it treats the title type (Music Video) as part of the title. Screenshot:



161 Messages


5.9K Points

@mbmb Hi, yes, this is a bug.  The team are tracking this to fix.  Thanks for the heads up.



1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

3 years ago

I think this is overlooked?



161 Messages


5.9K Points

@mbmb Yes, this is a bug.  The team are tracking this to fix. Thanks for the heads up.



1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

3 years ago

I see some converted titles that show "Music Video" in title page but when you click Edit Page it still has (V) in full title name. Weird.



161 Messages


5.9K Points

@mbmb Do you have an example?

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

@Rachel Above examples (and others I stumbled upon) seems to be fixed now.

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

3 years ago

Well, it looks like their way of solving "Music Video short" display on name page was to mass delete Short genre from all titles in Music Video title type.

A problem with this is that everyone has a "Declined" item in their contribution history now for every music video they added before this new title type. Let's say someone has added 100 music videos, you gave them 100 declined items in their contibution history today or added 1000 or more etc., they got 1000 declined items in their history in one day. Doesn't that hurt our accuracy rating so badly?

Someone without a fault, who was adding something correctly by following guidelines, gets tons of declines in their history because staff mass deletes a genre.

I think this a bad way of handling it. And I agree with @nicmos above that they should have Short genre actually. Why solve a display issue by removing valid data?




161 Messages


5.9K Points



As Music Videos are a stand alone type, they do not require the short genre to be added (which was implemented in the contribution interface), and we have removed the Short genre from the live titles.

I understand your concern that as part of the data clean up post launch, that prior submissions that were showing in your history now show as declined.  Unfortunately we do not have a way to change that, but there will be no other impact as the data was removed due to a change in policy.

One other item that we have noticed today, is that there are a number of live Music Videos with an extremely high running time, we are looking into these today.

Thanks for all the feedback to date, unlike the Podcast launch, there are a lot more moving pieces to this title type.





14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

You don't seem to have a definition of music videos or their length.

The term long-form music video is sometimes used, so it's not obvious that music videos can't be long. The Grammys used that name for many years, but changed it to "music film". They don't seem to provide a definition.

The Latin Grammys have this distinction:


For music videos containing only one song.


For music videos containing more than one song or track.

If you only mean to include short-form music videos, I guess you could use this one-song definition or a running time limit.

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

@Rachel OK if that's the decision, fine but I hope these mass deletions wouldn't cause us trouble in our future submissions because of our hurt accuracy rating. I feel like I already started to get more illogical declinations.

Also I agree with Peter, a definition would be nice (also a note to the Short genre definition in Genre guidelines that says it should not be added to music videos). Because I'm almost sure these deleted Short genres will be re-added soon by contributors who are racing for end of year Top Contributor status.



5K Messages


118K Points

Was there a reply about long-form?

Would an opera recording to video, which is genre Music of course, be a Music Video? How about a concert performance (no costumes/sets/action, just singers at podiums)?



5K Messages


118K Points

Operas definitely have stories. Some are filmed on locations (example). 

The guide doesn't quite cover them (except the concerts and/or live performances); I think it would be worth adding the word "operas" to the exceptions:

Updated 18-November-2021 - Continuing with our expansion of content types on IMDb -- we have fully launched a new title types for Music Video. There is a new option available within our New Title Form

The Music Video title type should be used to represent an official video for a single song or musical number as released by the artist. For example, Justin Bieber: Ghost (2021). It can also be used for filmed live or studio performances for single songs; for example: The Beatles: Let It Be (1970).

It can be used for both horizontal and vertical format music videos, but should not be used for unofficial internet videos like fan made content or live-streamed performances.

All other types of music video should be submitted as Made for Video, with the Music genre added. 

Examples where Made for Video is appropriate include: 

  • Musical compilations or montages (where more than a single song or musical number are performed in a single video)
  • Live concerts
  • Official trailers for albums or singles
  • Performances of classical or instrumental music set to video footage 



14.2K Messages


327.8K Points


The definitions must have been added yesterday; the date at the top of the page confirms that the page was updated.

I have a small problem with the part about Made for Video: It might be read as saying that all concerts and other types should be Made for Video, but they can also be TV or theatrical releases. 

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

@daniel_francis_gardecki I think main reason for not allowing trailers is they are part of the actual title that is or should be on IMDb. So there won't be any unnecessary duplication.

Here it says "Official trailers for albums or singles" an album or single can't have an IMDb page and they are audio-only so a video trailer can't duplicate anything from them. A trailer for an album or single must be an original video work, so eligible.

I think that's the justification for that example. It does not imply suddenly all trailers became eligible, it says "for albums or singles" (teasers for music videos shouldn't be eligible either)

But I must say, putting it there worries me because people may see it as an indication that trailers are allowed and start to flood the site with movie trailers.


2.7K Messages


47K Points


As Music Videos are a stand alone type, they do not require the short genre to be added (which was implemented in the contribution interface), and we have removed the Short genre from the live titles.

Several thousand music video still have the Short genre applied to them, as can be seen in this link

21 Messages


360 Points

3 years ago

Great work! I wanted to suggest something like that. I love to have music videos in the imdb, but wanted them separated from the other productions. So my further request is to separate them from the movie and TV lists completely.



13 Messages


184 Points

3 years ago

Hi folks,

Thanks for all the feedback so far on the new Music Videos feature and help guide updates. I'll try and respond to some of the points made above. Let me know if I miss something that hasn't already been answered.

Going in reverse order...

@jochen_bauer - great suggestion on having separate views, we'll have a think about how that could work. 

@daniel_francis_gardecki By  "Official trailers for albums or singles" we mean things like the Official Trailer for PJ Harvey: A Dog Called Money, which is practically a short film promoting the album, directed by Award-winning photographer Seamus Murphy. @mbmb is correct in terms of why this is different from Movie or TV trailers, which can be associated with an actual title page and therefore should not be uploaded as titles in their own right. 

@bderoes I'll get Opera added as an explicit example for what should not be submitted as a Music Video. As for "concert performance (no costumes/sets/action, just singers at podiums)", that should be covered under the guideline for live concert, which is already referenced in the help guide as not suitable for Music Video. Let me know if you feel the word 'live' is too proscriptive to cover the examples you are concerned about. We could always drop that word and just state "Concerts" if you feel that is clearer.

@mbmb For ease of reading, we try to focus the genre definitions on what they should be used for more than what they should not. However, I will look to see if we can add a note to the Short genre, perhaps for a limited period, while folks adjust to the changes.

@Peter_pbn Thanks for providing the Latin Grammy definitions for Short vs Long Music Video. It's a useful distinction. We've tried to capture in the help guide the intent of Music Video being reserved for Short-form music videos under that definition, by stating that it should be used "for a single song or musical number". We do not want to proscribe specific lengths, since some music videos are longer than movies. For example, there is a 24 hour long music video for Pharrell Williams' Happy. The Pharrell Williams example is also why we are not adopting the short-form versus long-form labelling as part of our guidance, because some music videos are really long, but they are still legitimately Music Videos for a single song.

Hope this helps! 

Let me know if I've missed anything, or if you have further thoughts on how we can improve the guidance around this new title type.



5K Messages


118K Points


You're responding as though you're an employee, but you have no such designation on Sprinklr.



161 Messages


5.9K Points

@bderoes I can confirm that MarkC is an IMDb team member, we'll get the Employee badge sorted on Sprinklr.



1.7K Messages


22.9K Points


There is a serious issue you need to address ASAP. Well, it was not and never an issue but suddenly became an issue because of some staff members. After having problem with correcting unneeded (uncredited) attribute for artist on a music video, I requested from support to amend the declined correction attempts.

But it was the most frustrating thing ever to try to deal with them and their canned-response spams and their insistence to NOT LISTEN and NOT UNDERSTAND.

I'm giving them names of employees they can consult, I'm telling them they can consult Will because he has responses on this forum about music videos and commercials being exceptions and not needing uncredited attributes. It was also something confirmed by Jaime to me from the contact desk previously. There are both employee responses and user responses about it here on this forum. Your guidelines do not say add them with uncredited attributes, in fact (Example of music video credit) shows how they should be added, and it's not with uncredited attributes. I try to explain why they are exceptions in detail but Elizabeth and others who take power from her behaviour REFUSE to listen and understand and then goes into ignoring my messages and even my irrelevant issues for days with very hostile behaviour.

They keep spamming canned responses that say "anything that's not on ending credits roll should have uncredited attributes" despite that's not true, there are exceptions, like documentary spoken name exception for example, which was also something I had trouble trying to explain for days to same employee, they DON'T LISTEN, she kinda says she doesn't care what other employees like Will say, only ending credit roll matters. I try to explain that almost none of the music videos have ending credits roll, that's why they are exceptions but I'm only facing a stubborn, hostile attitude to not listen to anything.

Same employee previously argued with me that "Is" should be capitalised as "is" in title texts. Guidelines are there, it's written how things should be capitalised but no, I'm trying to tell an editor what she's saying is not true for days which is something written clearly in guidelines in multiple pages. The same one who insists on not listening or understanding even when she was told employee names she can consult about it. This is only one example of many more to show there is a serious training issue with staff over there.

If this is not addressed ASAP, I will need to start adding uncredited attributes to all credits on all titles under music video type. "Adele: Easy on Me" example you use in the OP for example, that music video does not have an ending credits roll, so we will need to add uncredited attributes to every single credit on that title page. Will it be approved if I attempt to do that or all declined? I say it would all be declined.




13 Messages


184 Points

Hi @mbmb,

Sorry to hear about this frustrating experience. I'll sync with our support team to clear up any confusion around this and get back to you.



1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

@MarkC What happened to this?



13 Messages


184 Points

Hi @mbmb,

We are still working through the policy guidance on this. While most music videos do not have credits, some do. So there is potentially value in being able to make a distinction between them. We'll provide definitive guidance in the new year, once we have worked through the nuances and implications.

2 Messages


90 Points

3 years ago


I've been a regular IMDb-contributor for a number of years and I recently noticed that when music videos were in their separate category before (when, for example, looking at certain actors filmography), but just now IMDb has put the music videos under Movie-section and I wonder why. Same with podcast series.

Sincerely, JustinDuck

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Music videos and podcast series listed under Movie-section.

11 Messages


236 Points

3 years ago

I don't know if it was caused by the recent introduction of new title types like Music Video, but I noticed some of them and Podcast Series now get categorized under a person's Movie listing, which is clearly incorrect. Here's an example from Kirsten Dunst's page.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Extraneous types in the Movie sections



13 Messages


184 Points

Thanks @aicardigianluca and @jasu_keisa for highlighting this issue. I'll ask the team to take a look and will come back with an update.



13 Messages


184 Points

Just wanted to confirm that this is a bug and it has been passed to the relevant team to fix.  

Thanks again for flagging it!



14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

This wouldn't really be a problem if the short music videos were still listed as shorts.

5 Messages


110 Points

3 years ago

Why are music videos listed under movie credits? This is obviously a mistake and has started recently across the board. Will it be corrected?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Music videos listed under movie credits