2.9K Messages
85.4K Points
Languages not removed from pictures while only a name is listed
I tried to delete the language tag for some pictures which only have a name on it and they were declined. #250311-150914-235902 #250311-155909-000202 #250311-155942-352802 #250311-155950-733002 #250311-160026-906602 Can a staffer fix this please? Also, this happens more often, see https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/250107210455699302-language-not-removed-from-picture/6786a0abcd78e02bba9ce6de + https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/250215100911286702-250215100923385602-language-not-removed-from-pictures/67cc76ee7fb00d052439ced5
2.8K Messages
28.4K Points
3 days ago
Hello, I have removed the Languages, the changes will be live on the site shortly!