147 Messages
1.9K Points
Keywords: Implement a Hierarchical System
So some users on here (chiefly keyword warrior) spend a lot of time sorting through keywords to isolate redundancies. Takes a lot of effort.
But another thing that might be useful is isolating what keywords have hierarchical parents. I'll use detective as an example:
anything tagged with "male detective", or "female detective", or "private-detective" should immediately have "detective" applied as a parent. I understand that people probably do this, but I expect there are some that don't - that have been missed. People are generally sloppy taggers. There are probably many other examples from other keywords where a parent-child relationship could be established.
"parenthood" would be parent of "motherhood" or "fatherhood" etc.
1.7K Messages
22.9K Points
2 years ago
Wikipedia has this system for their "categories" (similar to keywords here) and works pretty well.
147 Messages
1.9K Points
2 years ago
Bump. I'd like to see some comments on this.
2.7K Messages
47K Points
2 years ago
Today @adrian has suggested the same concept in another thread here.