Marco's profile

2.8K Messages


84.7K Points

Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 12:41 AM


Keyword cigarettes

Keywords should be singular, not plural (as per the guide: Therefore, I'd like to ask staff to delete and then block the keyword cigarettes:

1.1K Messages


30.7K Points

1 month ago

Will the staff still do that? My understanding is that the staff is no longer able to devote the time to fix bad keywords. That's why @keyword_expert stopped contributing.

I've been wondering about this issue. The staff may not have time to change every instance of cigarettes to cigarette. But they may have time to block a bad keyword like cigarette (as you requested), so that keyword contributors won't feel as if they're treading water changing a bad keyword to a good word.

Or they could make it so that cigarettes automatically changes to cigarette. They've done that with many other keywords.

I wouldn't mind making the effort to change bad keywords if I knew that they couldn't be revived.

I believe the time-consuming part for them was doing just that—changing each instance of a bad keyword to a good one. My understanding is that even at staff level, they don't have an easy way to change, say, one-hundred instances of cigarettes to cigarette.

Maybe if the staff just did that to bad keywords, Keyword Expert would start contributing again.


2.8K Messages


84.7K Points

@jay_spirit​ "Or they could make it so that cigarettes automatically changes to cigarette. They've done that with many other keywords."

That would definitely be a step in the right direction.



2.2K Messages


23.7K Points

1 month ago

Hi Marco-

We appreciate the report! 

However, until we have an established mechanism in place for reporting and actioning these keyword clean-ups we will be unable to handle them further.

We will only be able to investigate and take action on instances where there are inappropriate and/or violating keywords observed. 


2.8K Messages


84.7K Points

@Maya​ And what about only redirecting wrong keywords to the proper ones, as @jay_spirit suggested upthread? Then you wouldn't have to manually change all the wrong keywords already on site, but the problem wouldn't get bigger and contributors might be more inclined to fix these issues themselves.
