3 Messages


90 Points

Saturday, July 20th, 2024 11:26 PM


Issue with a Lifetime TV Movie series

So, I've just discovered a problem (which I inadvertently added to).

Last Sunday (July 14), Lifetime premiered a TV movie called "Lies and Ex Wives: Secrets on Maple Street". IMDb originally had it listed as "TV miniseries", and at the time I didn't know any better so I had it moved to a "TV movie" entry title.

Well, it turns out, this Sunday (July 21), Lifetime is premiering "A Family Nightmare: Secrets on Maple Street", and next Sunday (July 21) Lifetime is premiering a movie called "Murder for Mortgage: Secrets on Maple Street". Currently, both of these are listed on IMDb as *separate* "TV miniseries" (i.e. different entries).

So, in fact, all three of these should be listed under the title "Secrets on Maple Street" as a "TV miniseries", with "episode 1" being "Lies and Ex Wives", episode 2 being "A Family Nightmare", and episode 3 being "Murder for Mortgage".

The question is, how do I make that happen? Or is there a way I can ask for admin help on this?

Thanks in advance.



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

2 months ago

Hi @IJBall -

You can submit a title correction changing it to an episode, and add "Secrets on Maple Street" as their parent series. Follow our help guides for more.


3 Messages


90 Points

2 months ago

OK, trying to create "Secrets on Maple Street" as a separate title – just put in the submission.

If that goes through, I will then attempt to move the three separate (TV movie) titles to "episodes" under "Secrets on Maple Street". This will likely take several days to complete. Assuming it even works...

3 Messages


90 Points

OK, this has apparently worked – creating a separate "Secrets on Maple Street" miniseries entry was the key: then moving the three separate film/miniseries entries to episodes of the "Secrets on Maple Street" miniseries (e.g. "Secrets on Maple Street" (2024) {Lies and Ex Wives: Secrets on Maple Street (#1.1)} ) was possible.

This is good and I am glad I now know how to do this, because something similar has to be done for Lifetime's "Dawn" miniseries from 2023, because right now that's listed as four separate TV films as well (rather than as one miniseries with 4 "episodes"):





I'll try to get on this by this weekend.

Thanks to Bethany for the guidance.




17.2K Messages


310K Points

Hi @IJBall​ -

Thanks for the update, do let us know if you run into any trouble making the final updates.  Cheers!