ben_vinicoff's profile

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80 Points

Monday, June 3rd, 2019 3:07 PM

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Issue + idea regarding clarifying specific problems with reviews

Dear IMDB. 

For a while now you've been changing your website. You've made it harder to post reviews. Your moderators seem to pay very close attention to specific wording. It is not that easy  to make quick changes to reviews anymore. Being able to moderate reviews one has posted and editing them in the confirmation process isn't a feature anymore. 
Being able to track things, and more has been entirely reworked in favour of the contribution theme you've gone with.

Ever since you've made all these changes I have had more and more difficulty posting reviews and I've been a contributer for years. It is frankly getting quite annoying. Not just the slower phase of getting things approved, but more so the fact that I always get errors in 1 of 2 ways.

Nr 1: Bad format. Sometimes this makes sense, other times it absolutely does not. 

Nr 2: Broke guidelines. But... you dont specify how, where, why etc. 

About a month back I had to re-write a Mortal Kombat review like 6 times because it kept getting declined for the same reason. I was reading your guidelines like 20 times. Everything was okay but you still kept declining it and not showing me where the error is. 

This kind of practise is absolutely insanely infuriating and I would very much appreciate your moderators being given the ability to highlight where the issue is with certain wording or paragraphs as well as detailed explanations for why they dont work.
I dont care what the reasoning may be. To avoid controversy or crack down on hatespeech, politics. I dont care, I just want to know where the issue is so I dont have to get increasingly mad as I wait for 2 days only to get declined over and over. 

Your old system was far more welcoming. I could edit at will, I could correct mistakes after posting the review for moderator confirmation, and when I posted a review I got an email talking about a review and not a receipt for a contribution which is quite weird considering thats the type of talk you'd use if I paid or donated. 

But my personal gripes with your language aside, please... allow for highlighting of specific errors. I'm a guy who writes huge reviews. Very detailed, very analytical. So when I get an error its not that easy to figure out where it is. Or if its multiple. Or if its a whole paragraph. It is very...frustrating, IMDB. 

Allow your moderators to highlight with gold color which words are not allowed, which paragraphs are too political or aggressive. If something is in need of better formatting. 

Please do this... because where as I once enjoyed writing reviews on your site I am currently getting annoyed doing it because I never know if 1 word is gonna be a problem for some inexplicable reason, let alone the fact that I wont even know which one it is because the mods wont tell me. 

Please make this better. Because I love contributing to your site but its getting extremely unsatisfying to do so because your process has become very cautious, very sharp and lacking in  detailed explanations for declining things. 
For instance. I'm currently waiting for a Goblin Slayer show review to get approved. The review is positive, calm, philosophic and analytic.

Singing the praises of it.

But i dont know if it'll get approved because I'm talking about and using the word "Rape" 

And considering my Mortal Kombat review was declined over and over till I stopped talking about attractive outfits, sexualization in the franchise and the okay-ness of having a mix of both sexual, realistic, armored etc themes within costume design this was seemingly against the rules. 

Or so I think because after I toned it down you approved of it but your mod couldn't specify why this was an issue or whether it was the way it was discussed. 
Your guidelines mention how you dont want specific events or things related to real life stuff to be included, typically associated with personal opinion regarding off-topics.
But how can this be remotely balanced when reviews ARE subjective in nature and any good grammar teacher would always magnify why its important to put things into perspective. Making for a more interesting read. 


If anything, please just give us better explanations for why you decline contributions. And highlight the errors so that I can fix it in the 1st edit. 

Thank you. 

And here is an image of how this can be done. This is all I ask for. 

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