mvandemar's profile

3 Messages


110 Points

Friday, May 28th, 2021 3:57 AM


Is there a way to report obvious paid reviews?

There was this horrible movie where all the reviews were either 1-2 stars, or 10 stars. Someone pointed out that all of the 10 star ones were either brand new accounts, or were coming from people who were all giving 10 star reviews to the exact same movies. I checked and sure enough that is what was going on:

In order for the IMDB reviews to be of any value there really needs to be trust in them, but I see no way to report these fraudulent reviews. I can flag a review as "Not Helpful", but people looking at the ratings and not the individual reviews will never know one way or the other whether or not they were ever flagged (most people probably wouldn't realize it even looking at the reviews unless they were already very familiar with IMDB). Is there really no way to to flag these as fraudulent, or am I missing something?




14.2K Messages


328K Points

3 years ago

There is a report link under each review (when accessed from the title page).

3 Messages


110 Points

@Peter_pbn So I see:

  • Duplicate
  • Inappropriate
  • Not relevant
  • Spoiler without warning

No way to report fraud though? What happens to these reports?



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

3 years ago

Hi mvandemar -

I would recommend reporting the reviews as "Inappropriate", you can also include an explanation for your selection and report:

Once submitted, your report will be reviewed by IMDb staff who will take the appropriate actions and remove the offending User Review if applicable.
