1 Message


70 Points

Thursday, August 29th, 2024 2:32 PM


Is it possible to request an actor’s name to be changed?


If possible, I would like to request actor Sol Kyung-gu’s name to be corrected. I know Korean names are trickier because of their romanizations, but this actor’s correct name is Sul Kyung-gu, not Sol. There are many sources that back this information up, such as the actor himself saying this is the public name he uses, and it is the name on his English passport, stated by him. His agency also refers to him as Sul, and if any source is needed I can link everything to my statements. Since this is a film database Sol being here instead of Sul like on other streaming services such as Netflix, and Disney+ it causes a lot of confusion between people and international fans of his. I believe not only the fix of his name can be helpful, but it can also be respectful using the correct version of his romanized family name. 

Thank you!



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

5 months ago

Hi @hannnmin7 -

You can send a name correction request with evidence attached, follow our help guides for more.
