reinhardtchristiansen's profile

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110 Points

Friday, May 5th, 2017 12:44 AM


Is it just me or would photo credits be MUCH better if subjects were identified in left to right order?

I have often looked at the photos for a given actor or actress and found them less than ideal in one respect: when you look at a group photo (and the "group" can be as small as 2 people), the captions are FREQUENTLY not shown in the order that the actors appear in the photo. To give a *hypothetical* example, a Cheers cast photo might show Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Woody Harrelson and Kelsey Grammer in that order but the captions might saw Shelley Long, Kelsey Grammer, Woody Harrelson and Ted Danson. In other words, the names appear in a completely different order.

Now, in a show I already know, that's not a problem because I know who the cast is and can match faces to names. But in a show that I don't know, I have no idea because I only recognize one or two faces in a shot featuring several faces.

I think *all* captions involving more than one person should identify people in the same order as they appear in the picture. Therefore in the example I mentioned before, I'd love to see the caption say:
(From left to right): Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Woody Harrelson, Kelsey Grammer.

That way, there is no chance of confusion over what name goes to what face.

Would people agree that this is a good idea? If so, how can we go about accomplishing it? I know there are many thousands of photos and probably more being added all the time so this is not something that can be accomplished overnight. But if it were made a policy for all new photos going forward, we could conceivably clean up the existing captions sometime before the next ice age begins. ;-)
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