1 Message


70 Points

Monday, August 22nd, 2022 4:50 AM


INTK Why i'm not allowed to share my opinion on She Hulk

Apparently, i'm blacklisted from writing my opinion on this show. I tried on day one, and have tried multiple times since. It really feels like i'm being filtered out here. I have written an entirely mature and honest thought out, in relation to this show, and have now attempted to post it upwards of 6 times. My reviews for EVERY other show, have shown up within seconds of me posting them. As soon as i click post for the review on the show in question however, it thanks me for my contribution as normal, and then my review is expunged. Nowhere to be seen, no evidence i wrote it anywhere on my page or the review section for  the show. I get confirmation emails or whatever they are, but after that, nothing. It's almost as if i never wrote it at all. It's a little more than mildly infuriating to not be able to say my piece on a show, on a website designed to allow people to speak. A website i've enjoyed using for years and have never had this issue with.

I'm really hoping it's a technical issue, though it's become abundantly clear it is censoring. I don't know what i expect to gain complaining about it here. Perhaps somebody has some information on this subject or something. It's a long shot to be sure, but i also just really wanted a place to vent. If i somehow get an answer of some sort as well, that's a bonus i'll happily take. '



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

2 years ago

Hi @GodMustBeAFK -

I can confirm that there are no issues with your IMDb account that would prevent/block any User Review submissions from being processed. 

If you have recently submitted User Reviews for "She-Hulk" that you believe have been incorrectly declined, post the 18-digit submission reference numbers here and our staff can take a look.
