29 Messages
632 Points
Incredible Bias of IMDb
THIS was submitted as a "Review" of the movie MURDER WITH MIRRORS. It is NOT a review of a the movie but instead a Political Rant that has NOTHING to do with the movie. Yet because it is a Leftist Rant, IMDb refuses to delete this nonsense. I THOUGHT reviews were supposed to be actually on topic AND examined BEFORE they were accepted. Obviously, IMDb maintains NO Standards. :
Murder with Mirrors (1985)
1,418 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 6.7 / 10
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089640/reviews - 27 Reviews
IMDb member since February 2014
https://www.imdb.com/user/ur50489624/reviews - 3,078 Review
Review of Murder with Mirrors
Growing up, our neighborhood harbored a serial killer . . .
3 July 2017
1 out of 7 found this helpful.
"Growing up, our neighborhood harbored a serial killer...
. . . who murdered lots of pinned-down insects with sunlight and a magnifying glass, so I streamed this flick in order to discover how you could assassinate someone with mirrors. It turns out that this title constitutes False Advertising. THE LADY FROM SHANGHAI features far more mirror mayhem than this Made-for-TV offering. So why was Warner Bros. seeking a Mass Boob Tube audience for such seemingly quaint (if not stale) Agatha Christie parlor games? Exactly of what did Warner Bros. wish to warn America about when they produced MURDER WITH MIRRORS? The answer should be crystal clear to 2017 viewers. Which historical figure is most associated with mirrors? Narcissus, of course. Narcissism, or Mirror Obsession, gets its name from Narcissus. His obsession with himself and his reflection led to widespread Doom. Who just rigged Our Sacred National Election by selling out to the Red Commie KGB as he ran on a Platform of the Big Me? Our widely-diagnosed Pathological Narcissist-in-Chief Don Juan Rump, of course. KGB Fresh Recruit Rump was just beginning his Presidential Campaign in the 1980s--as documented then by Doonesbury cartoonist Gary Trudeau--when Warner Bros. tried to provide us with this more serious warning against the Coming Putin\Rump Crowd with this movie, but Red State Confederate America proved too dense to avoid being MURDERED BY MIRRORS now focusing the harsh Red Commie KGB Sun-like glare on ALL of their frail and elderly loved ones to burn them away, providing tax cuts to the Fat Cat Billionaire Oligarchs, eight of whom live in Russia!Growing up, our neighborhood harbored a serial killer . . ."
Accepted Solution
5.6K Messages
58.9K Points
3 years ago
Hi rgl_3cxradz9t4tud-
The review you reported has now been removed from the site. If you continue to see reviews that violate our guidelines please report it by clicking the "Report this" link under the review, for our staff to investigate.
8.7K Messages
177.7K Points
3 years ago
? ?
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Murder with Mirrors (1985)
1,418 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 6.7 / 10
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089640/reviews - 27 Reviews