shalinc's profile

5 Messages


294 Points

Monday, October 8th, 2018 5:30 PM


Including a new and separate genre for Award Shows

I recently found out that many of the Award shows have 'Comedy', 'Romance' or 'Family' genres attached to them. Although these shows have humour, I feel it's incorrect to tag them as a comedy. Instead, IMDB should introduce a new genre to address the award shows.

I'm not sure if I'm posting at the correct place and in the correct manner. Let me know if I should move this to some other category.

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

6 years ago

You have posted at the right place and the right way.
Do not expect any move on this before the next decades...
And for once, as this genre would be straight forward, with very clear limits, I support it!

5 Messages


294 Points

Thanks, Vincent for your support. I hope IMDB folks actually take this into consideration.



7.4K Messages


275K Points

6 years ago

ShalinC: The good news is that the IMDb staff has approved the idea of creating a new genre called Awards Show.

The bad news is that they approved that idea in 2010, and they have still not gotten around to implementing it after eight years.

Please see the thread at where this problem is discussed further -- and please give the idea there a "vote" to support the implementation of the Awards Show genre, as well as the other genres that were also approved in 2010 and have not been implemented.

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

Thanks Gromit.
But going briefly over the replies and comments, it turns out that the variety of platforms was an obstacle to the deployement. Well, we have had that brand new unified platform for almost 10 months now...