mightyemperor's profile



1.9K Messages


146.1K Points

Monday, August 5th, 2013 8:22 PM

No Status


Include radio serials/adaptations and audio dramas/books

This came up on another thread, so I thought I'd post it as a suggestion:


There is a large amount of crossover between radio and audio works, more so than video games:

* They often have large casts, script writers, etc., often sharing the same big names as other works.

* There is lot of movement between radio/audio and film/TV - with some works starting on radio and others getting radio/audio adaptations, often with the same casts.

So it'd make sense for IMDB to list this medium too.

After all, you essentially have all the work of an animation without the moving pictures (in fact, I wonder if you'd already be eligible for listing on IMDB if you stick it on a YouTube with with perhaps some still images for illustration purposes) and usually have more people involved than you might for something like Jackanory (which for those who haven't seen it usually involved a celebrity sitting in front of the camera reading a book - I'm sure you all have local equivalents). The lines are already blurred - visual novels exist somewhere between chose your own adventure books and games, often having their own cast of voice actors. These are already listed on IMDB, e.g.:


Some examples:

As Dan Dassow said on the previous thread:

Many radio programs such as the Lone Ranger, Dragnet, The Jack Benny Show, Burns and Allen transitioned to television in the late 40s and 1950s.


Also I mentioned over there that a lot of BBC TV comedy series first appeared on Radio 4 before migrating to TV, from the Goon Show to Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy to League of Gentlemen to the most recent example, Count Arthur Strong. The Goon Show is an interesting one as some of their TV shows were really just a taped performance of the actors reading the scripts and The Telegoons was essentially the radio series, just with puppets as the characters.

Superman had an early radio serial and there have been radio shows as recently as the BBC's adaptation that ended in 1995:

GraphicAudio do a lot of work with franchises, as the name suggests this includes both DC and Marvel:

Since the rise of the iPod and the popularity of MP3s we have seen audio books emerge as a very popular medium. It has become a vital part of large media franchises, written by popular scriptwriters and often making use of the live action cast, with just the large special effects overhead removed. For example, Dr Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc:

This also would make sense for Amazon, as they sell a lot of this kind of thing (either on CD or MP3).

Anyway I thought I'd throw this open for other people to discuss - pro and cons? Got any other good examples?

7 Messages


224 Points

11 years ago

Great suggestions guys! Thanks.



1.9K Messages


146.1K Points

11 years ago

Just doing a quick search, I turned up a couple of audiodrama news items on IMDB:



Which demonstrates the amount of crossover (with the cast and crew linked in) even if the news articles are wrongly attached to titles they aren't connected to.

Another + for this idea is that there are no audiodrama database, there seems to have been an attempt to start one, although there is no sign of it today.

7 Messages


224 Points

11 years ago

I checked these links out - very cool. I will also be working with Daniel Roebuck on my next film (and Indie project, called 13 Girls) I'll see what he thinks about this too. Maybe he could help - but since I haven't yet met him, that's conjecture at this point.

Love your enthusiasm. Let's keep the dialogue going.



1.9K Messages


146.1K Points

11 years ago

This has now been flagged up for further discussion from staff:

Thanks for your suggestion, and thanks for your well thought out
suggestion via Get Satisfaction, Emperor. This is certainly a worthy
discussion to revisit so I've raised a task (no. 0028335608) to do just


So if anyone has any thoughts (for or against) throw them in now.



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

10 years ago

Since Audible Audio Books is an Amazon Affiliate maybe this may become a reality.

756 Messages


29.6K Points

8 years ago

See also this more recently active discussion on the audio question:


1 Message


60 Points

6 years ago

I write and produce the Radio SciFi drama "The Hawk Chronicles". Simon Fisher Becker recently joined the cast and asked me about adding the show to his IMDB. I'm curious to know if this has moved ant since the last post of 2 yrs ago.

2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

6 years ago

Radio plays, theatre work, music albums, etc are added to the ”Other Works” section. This ”Other Works” section is a bit overlooked section in IMDb. I find it a pretty good place to add e.g. theatre plays (fully confirmed with main co-actors, directors, writers, a premiere date & year range).

1 Message


60 Points

6 years ago

I'm also the writer/creator of an audio suspense thriller mini-series called, 'Yowie', due for release this year (2018) and would also like to list the hard work our cast and crew has contributed in this project which runs for 1hr 17 mins.

15 Messages


266 Points

3 years ago

Many radio series that become podcasts too release their archives online. The current policy of listing those entries by their published online date rather than their original airdate (on radio) has the potential to make episode guides for such programs into real messes where people are credited with work YEARS after they have actually done the work and the work was originally aired.

A decision probably needs to be made here sooner rather than later before these errors become pervasive. Given that the category TV series also stands for Streaming series... why can't the podcast listing also be used for radio? Up until last month wasn't TV series also being used for Podcasts anyway?