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Friday, September 7th, 2018 5:28 AM


Improve the process for reporting a news item

I have a suggestion for improving the process for reporting a news item that has been linked to the wrong person.

When one wants to report a news item, one clicks "Report this". That will take one to an "IMDb Contact Us" form, and the news item constant of the news item will be within the URL (example:

Then one goes through the form ("IMDb Fan/Contributor questions", "News articles", "Report issue with news article", "E-mail"), and that will take one to the page at, in this example,

That page says:
The following information will be included in your e-mail:
IMDb Fan/Contributor questions
- News articles
- Report issue with news article
So that's information one doesn't have to type in again, because the software has access to it already.
However, the e-mail form then says:
Please provide the following information:

URL link to the article: 

Incorrectly tagged items: 

Explanation of the problem: 
Why does the form ask the user to insert the URL to the article by hand? (Note that it isn't even asking for just the news item constant -- it's asking for the entire URL.) The software obviously has the news item constant available to it already because it's right there in the URL of the page. Instead, the software should automatically include the news item constant of the article being reported within the e-mail, so the user doesn't have to insert it again.

Let's use the software to make this process easier on IMDb users, so that they will be more likely to report news items linked to the wrong person.
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