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229 Messages


5.9K Points

Friday, May 14th, 2021 5:40 PM


Impossibility to correct the attribute for a running time

Hi, I noticed that the regular running time displayed on IMDb for this French documentary was not correct:

Indeed, IMDB displays a running time of 52 minutes at the top of its page. But the regular version of this documentary lasts 90 minutes and not 52 minutes:

After investigating the running time section, I came to the conclusion (without being 100 percent sure), that there was a problem of attribute. Indeed, if you go to the running time section, you see a running time of 52 minutes without attribute and another running time of 90 minutes with a « TV premiere » attribute.

But if there are truly two running times for this documentary, I assume that the attributes should be changed on IMDb to have a correct running time display (please confirm it to me):

* To get a normal running time of 90 minutes, you should remove the attribute « TV premiere » currently associated to this running time

 * To get a special running time of 52 minutes for the short version (version more difficult to find), you should add an attribute like « short version »

Indeed, it’s almost only the 90 minutes version that is available on Internet, as you can check here after:

>>> <<<

>>> <<<

If you go to other film websites, you also find a normal running time of 90 minutes:

>>> <<<

>>> <<<

I tried to correct this problem of attribute on IMDB through contributions, but it did not work:

* When I tried to cancel the attribute « TV premiere » for the 90 minutes version (in order to make it the regular version), my contribution was rejected by IMDB with the reason « Does not meet contribution guidelines ». I read the guidelines before and provided all the evidence necessary in my contribution, so I do not understand what happened

* Moreover, IMDb did not allow me to add an attribute to the 52 minutes running time without also changing this running time, so I was not able to add a « short version » attribute to the 52 minutes version. Indeed, I did not want to change the running time of 52 minutes, cos it’s the exact running time of the short version.

So, as it is impossible for me to remove the current attribute for the 90 minutes version and to add the attribute « short version » to the 52 minutes version, I come here to ask for help

Accepted Solution

229 Messages


5.9K Points

5 months ago

Hi @Fran​,

Thank you

Further to your message, I was indeed able to correct the attribute:

Now, the running time of this documentary is perfect

Best regards



17.2K Messages


310K Points

3 years ago

Hi mompart -


The running time for this title has now been modified with the applicable attribute and display.


Regarding the submission form error you reported, I have filed a ticket with the appropriate technical team to investigate, as soon as I have a status I will update you here.



229 Messages


5.9K Points

Thank you Michelle. As you can see on this picture, the correction has been made, except for 1 point: the attribute « TV premiere » for the standard 90 minutes version is unnecessary (as it is the normal running time). Can you please remove this attribute and it will be perfect?



14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

3 years ago

Michelle, regarding the submission form error, you already have a ticket for it, see here.

229 Messages


5.9K Points

3 years ago

Hi Michelle, in order to close this post, do you have any answer from your teams, so that we can change the attribute of the running time without changing the running time itself?


229 Messages


5.9K Points

3 years ago

Hi @Michelle,

You told me the 27th of May that you « filed a ticket with the appropriate technical team », so that in future we can change the attribute of the running time without changing the running time itself (not possible at the moment). 

It was 3 months ago, so either you received an answer and I would like to know it, or you need to contact this team again to get an answer.

I would indeed like to close this post as soon as possible, all the more as you corrected what I initially asked.

Thanks for your understanding 🌷.




2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

Hello mompart,

I'm following up here to confirm that this issue has now been resolved, there was a related post reporting the same bug and was already taken care of.