2 Messages
134 Points
IMDB wont let me add a contribution for my credits
Hi everyone.
So, I worked in a netflix series called "Thursday Widows", or "Las Viudas de los Jueves" in spanish, as an extras coordinator and "payroll man extras" (which means I had to organize their papers and make a payroll so they could be paid.
My IMDB credits are listed under Fernando Fiallega S. and in this one they mispelled my name and I appear as Fernando Fiallegas in the "payroll man extras" category. I've tried multiple times adding this credit and it always get declined and of course theres no explanation.
I've tried using "extras coordinator","payroll man extras" and a few variations of both.
I've tried putting the attribute "(as Fernando Fiallegas)" and same result.
I'd like to know if theres any email I can write to and send proof of my participation so I can get a real answer to whats wrong? Thank you and sorry if I'm missing something obvious, had never happened to me before.
Accepted Solution
1.2K Messages
51.8K Points
1 year ago
Hi, Fernando:
Perhaps you were trying to add your credit to the parent series page, when actually you should do it in each of the episodes in which you participated. Also, since to
this is the first time that you are working as a 'payroll' (your previous credits were as 'assistant production manager'), it doesn't hurt to provide visual proof that your name appears in the credits.
(ETA: Made a little mistake when adding the {as...} attribute; my bad... amended by #230924-124645-557000)
Hola, Fernando:
A lo mejor estabas añadiendo tu crédito a la página raíz de la serie, cuando en realidad lo que debes hacer es enviarlo a cada uno de los episodios en los que participaste (en tu caso concreto, los seis de la primera temporada). Además, piensa que para
ésta es la primera vez que has trabajado como persona a cargo de emitir nóminas (tus créditos anteriores han sido como asistente al jefe de producción), así que no está de más, para convencer al editor de que la información enviada es veraz, aportar alguna prueba visual de que tu nombre aparece en los títulos de crédito, como las capturas que dejo arriba.
He enviado las contribuciones #230924-122323-386000 & #230924-124645-557000 para intentar resolver el problema. Un saludo.