Col_Needham's profile



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177.7K Points

Friday, January 1st, 2016 9:57 AM


IMDb Top 250 Data Contributors for 2015

Included below is my end-of-year message to IMDb's top 250 data contributors for 2015.

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to IMDb in our 25th anniversary year -- every data contribution helps! If anyone outside of the top 250 would like to know their 2015 (only) live item total and position in the complete list, please post a reply here and, for a limited time, we will try to let you know as long as you have submitted more than 200 live items. 

Happy New Year 2016 from IMDb! 


Introduction and Thanks 

Welcome to the 21st edition of our end-of-year message to IMDb's top data contributors. This has been a landmark year for us in which we celebrated IMDb's 25th birthday in October. We believe this makes us unique in being founded on the Internet and still around today so thank you to everyone who has ever contributed to IMDb since 1990. We could not do it without you. 

This message is being sent to the 250 most prolific contributors in 2015. It will also be shared widely such that everyone can appreciate your efforts. We are pleased to see many new names on the list alongside our oldest supporters. Your contributions are now accessed by over 250 million monthly visitors to IMDb across the web, mobile apps and various hardware devices. Thank you. 

The Numbers 

The table at the end of this message shows the number of approved, non-duplicate data items (including deletions / corrections) which you have contributed in 2015 and your position within the top 250 contributors. Newly included for 2015 are the additions/corrections of photo tags. 

In total there are now over 200 million items in the IMDb database, collected since our launch in 1990. Some highlights from the 2015 numbers: 

* over 3.5 million titles with over 400,000 added in 2015 

* over 6.9 million names with over 700,000 added in 2015 

* over 71 million filmography credits with over 8 million added in 2015 

IMDb has covered titles in production and development for over 20 years. In November we added a very special title that takes our coverage of future movies to the year 2115 via and therefore expands our data coverage years to 1874-2115 which is 242 years! 

More statistics are available at For some perspective, it took 14 years for us to reach the same number of filmography credits which were added in 2015 alone and coincidentally 14 years to reach the same number of titles which were added in 2015. We are particularly pleased to have reduced publication times despite this rapid growth. 

Progress and Plans 

... From a contributor perspective by Thomas Porter ... 

For many of us 2015 will be remembered as the year J.J. Abrams properly awoke The Force, we finally caught up with Back to the Future Part II, and the Earl of Grantham's posh velvet curtains came down on Downton Abbey for the last time. Whether you're a gentrified time-travelling Jedi, or not, if you're reading this you're far cooler - you're an IMDb contributor, and for that we salute you above anyone (sorry, J.J.). 

Before salutations let's take a moment to reflect on some key achievements. What made 2015 so special is that many of you played a part in testing and launching the new features and updates via one of our betas. We're listening to your requests, prioritizing the most-popular, and rolling them out slowly - fixing bugs and tweaking functionality as a direct result of your feedback BEFORE launch. 

First up: image tagging. Since IMDb has had images, not being able to add or edit links to titles and names on those images has been a major bugbear for staff and contributors alike. Now it's finally possible. It's super easy to do (look for the 'edit tags' option) and you've been tagging in your droves. Adding to the mobile contribution interfaces launched in 2014, you can also tag from your phone. 

Building on last year's launch of IMDb Contributor (, we've added two more trackable data types (you can now check the status of your trivia and image submissions) and it's now the home of the updated version of the main submission interface (you get redirected there whenever you click 'edit page'). It might not look or feel different yet (and if it doesn't, we've done a good job), but the move is an essential milestone. Tweaking functionality, once slow and difficult, is now faster and easier. Importantly, it's another step closer to syncing up the data on the site with the submission interface. 

With the launch of Lifetime Contributor Badges, user profile pages now boast 8 new categories of badge acknowledging contributions in titles, filmography, trivia etc. Each badge has gold, silver and bronze classifications awarded depending on total number of items submitted within each category, ranging from 1 to 1 million(!). The more you contribute, the higher they go. If you have a gold badge, take a bow - you're already in the top 1-2% of all contributors within that category. Check out Col's profile if you want to try and beat the boss: - view your own by hovering over your username in the top right-hand-corner (when logged in) and clicking 'Your Profile'. 

Along with the new features and updates, we've doubled down on our commitment to you by halving and holding our processing service level agreement (SLA); over 98% of data submissions are now processed within 5 business days (down from 10 in 2014). But it's not only processing SLAs we take seriously. We split content-related Helpdesk contacts into 2 categories: Content (messages usually related to specific submissions or live data); and Report (messages usually sent to Helpdesk due to missing functionality on the site - new event requests, title deletions etc.) - we're now consistently answering those contacts within 3 (Content) and 7 days (Report). 

Over 80% of problems and questions raised on our dedicated help community on Get Satisfaction are answered within 7 days, in no small part thanks to our awesome Champs who've worked tirelessly all year to make the community what it is; an immensely helpful resource. We check and respond to messages on the Contributors' Help Board every week and it's still a great resource for our top contributors to discuss policy. We're using both forums to gauge opinion and collect ideas for ways to improve the contribution experience. 

The future: We can't say too much, but it's safe to say that continuing to drive down processing and publishing times is going to feature heavily in 2016. As is continuing to build on the features available on IMDb Contributor and taking advantage of the new submission interface platform. 

Please keep your ideas and feedback coming on Get Satisfaction because we need your input - not only to keep IMDb the greatest entertainment database in the world, but to help shape the tools and features we use to build it. We really can't thank the Champs and Beta testers enough, and if you'd like to get involved in 2016, get in touch (and yes, for the completists, there's a profile badge for both). 

Finally, as promised, to mark 25 years of IMDb in 2015, for the first time we've published a list of the top 250 contributors of all time: 

Thanks everyone for another wonderful year. See you in 2016. 

Thomas Porter, Team Manager - IMDb Database Content 

... From a customer perspective by Col Needham ... 

A big theme to highlight from 2015 has been to make video a key part of the IMDb experience across our different platforms. We are a service about movies and TV so we think that viewing video should be as much a part of visiting IMDb as reading text and images. This is both in terms of watching trailers, clips, interviews etc. as well as linking to Amazon Video to watch the actual movies and shows. To add an extra dimension to viewing, the popular X-ray for movies and TV service which enhances viewing by showing IMDb content alongside the movie or show, has been expanded from Kindle Fires and Fire TVs to iPhones, iPads and Android devices. Read more about X-ray at 

We have continued to add features and content to our iOS and Android apps plus our mobile web site to enable you to take IMDb everywhere you go. We are working to make all relevant IMDb content accessible across all devices. We have increased the development speed of our mobile apps such that new releases are regular and frequent. 

This has been a big year for editorial content and the team have covered awards, events, premieres and festivals from around the world. We hope you have enjoyed a peek behind-the-scenes at many events thanks to our on-the-ground team. 

Below is the traditional month-by-month look at the highlights of 2015. Outside of these we are still constantly making improvements, adding new features or retiring old ones based on your feedback. Even putting aside the continuous data changes, we almost never run the same version of the IMDb software on any two consecutive days (or increasingly, two consecutive hours). There is always something new launching, either visibly or via a behind-the-scenes technology or process improvement. 

The start of year is always about awards and we added more content to our Awards Central section: 

Later in January we attended The Sundance Film Festival: 

and also launched a video studio there filming over 30 interviews with the cast and filmmakers behind some of the most popular titles of the festival: 

In February we added personalized recommendations to our iOS app and more video to both our iOS and Android apps. The day of the Oscars saw another all-time page view record at IMDb. 

In March we upgraded our video player to support the latest HD streaming video standard which also enables us to automatically select the best video encoding rated based on your bandwidth and browser / app settings. We improved TV information by adding details to TV title pages regarding season premieres, season returns and next episode air dates. We also added an "On TV Tonight" section to the IMDb home page. We also covered the South by Southwest festival at: 

In April we launched a new video upload system for our Withoutabox filmmakers and also for IMDbPro demo reels and all staff videos (including studio supplied trailers). Russell Crowe was also guest editor of the IMDb home page, including a new video feature where celebrity guest editors answer user questions at 

In May we covered the Cannes Film Festival: 

In June we relaunched our film festival submissions service Withoutabox with a brand new design for filmmakers.

In July we covered Comic-Con 

and also launched our new trailers page at: 

In August we added the Top Rated TV Shows chart: 

In September we covered The Emmy Awards with an extra focus on videos via our celebrity host, Retta: 

and also The Toronto Film Festival: 

In October we celebrated IMDb's 25th birthday with a special editorial section: 

along with a "thank you" letter from me: 

We also added a "TV Tonight" section to the trailers section (see tab) on: 

and launched the Most Popular Movies chart: 

and Most Popular TV chart: 

A popular video was this James Bond themed one, coinciding with the release of Spectre: 

In November we updated the photo gallery viewing experience across IMDb's mobile platforms. For example, the mobile photo gallery for my favourite actress: 

we also launched a new live webcast interview series called "IMDb Asks" with an archive available at: 

In December we added user lists to our Android application and also launched our annual "Best Of" section for 2015: 

We have a whole series exciting features for 2016 and we are recruiting across our offices in Bristol (UK), Seattle (Washington) and Santa Monica (California): 

Traffic and Usage 

The IMDb audience has once again grown to reach more people around the world on more devices. Your data contributions are still seen and appreciated even more widely than ever before, now by over 250 million unique customers per month on IMDb. Beyond this you will find IMDb content on more services. New in 2015 was the addition of the Amazon Echo device which uses IMDb data to answer certain entertainment related questions: 

For more details on IMDb generally, please visit our press area: 

We continue to encourage everyone to get involved in building a bigger and better IMDb. We thank you for playing your role in filling the gaps because, as always, every type of data and every title is important in some way; see our Contributor Zone at and earn more badges on your profile at the same time! 

We will be sharing this message widely and so if you have contributed any data in 2015, our gratitude applies equally to you. 

Thanks and Feedback 

In recognition of your contributions, as usual, we are offering everyone in the top 250 free access to IMDbPro for all of 2016. We will send a separate message with details and an access code within the next few days. 

Thanks again for all your support during the year. As always, ideas and constructive feedback are welcome. Please join us in the Contributors' Help message board for policy discussions: 

or contact us via Get Satisfaction: 

Thanks and we wish you a Happy New Year! 

Col Needham, 
IMDb Founder and CEO 
on behalf of the whole IMDb Team 

Rank    Live  Name (registered username)
 ----  ------  --------------------------
1 326241 cinelamour (cinelamour)
2 243643 Joe Wawrzyniak (Woodyanders)
3 199017 Christian Bonamusa (pegg1976)
4 167143 kkmmss (kkmmss)
5 138652 Skip Eastport (SkipEastport)
6 137499 michaelfool (michaelfool)
7 120678 Dibyayan Chakravorty (Dibyayan_Chakravorty)
8 120582 ind3 (ind3)
9 119441 Kelly Werre (sarge-19)
10 110231 inespape-1 (inespape-1)
11 107347 elouie2000 (elouie2000)
12 107280 John Doe (unknown1000)
13 99694 Mubi London (mubi-262-564821)
14 84038 yellowmagicorchestra (yellowmagicorchestra)
15 83921 Ian Lueck (ianlueck)
16 83472 deickemeyer (deickemeyer)
17 83389 Kobie Gantt (akira625)
18 81352 Bert Dijkhoff (Holojarg)
19 78782 Kurt Wallsten (Kurre)
20 70575 Mikael Bryzell (mikael-bryzell)
21 68683 charnetha2 (charnetha2)
22 67773 Brian Wilson (trotter1954)
23 67071 Gene Chin (Huggo)
24 65965 Serguei Oukladov (yook)
25 62343 FangsNL (FangsNL)
26 61884 Bradley Kent (bradleykent1)
27 58472 JMGuer (JMGuer)
28 56126 Eric Greene (EricGreene @IMDb)
29 54692 M. W. (ostblockschaedel)
30 53166 fredcdobbs5 (fredcdobbs5)
31 51458 Roman Gareev (supremoray)
32 50914 Leciaguecahar Christian (leciaguezahar.christian)
33 50258 Leslie Howard Adams (horn-5)
34 46331 Brian Campos (bcampos862)
35 46134 Miguel Monteiro (mnmonteiro)
36 45701 Valkyrslayer (Valkyrslayer)
37 44539 Ricardo Godinho (richboy_is_dead)
38 42809 Marcus Cunningham (marcus-cunn)
39 42191 Jack Tillmany (tillmany)
40 41923 Jason Margolis (Dobler-5)
41 41009 PAUL PARISOT (paulparisot)
42 40445 brin (snail3)
43 40426 bela gal (gal bela)
44 40378 Paul Cop (marcial84)
45 40231 Chip (Chip_douglas)
46 38408 Kristy Marshall (brainybrailler)
47 38374 untilter (untilter)
48 37123 Cornelius R. (E-Kartoffel)
49 36917 Login to (lourencoseruya-274-679942)
50 36879 mc mc (McBE92)
51 35900 John Embury (jem-33)
52 35526 Gary Krause (scgary66)
53 35465 joeddelozier (joeddelozier)
54 35425 Derek Hazell (vande)
55 34949 David Bassler (dbassler1304)
56 34557 xylit333 (xylit333)
57 33704 Hurdy_Gurdy_Man (Hurdy_Gurdy_Man)
58 33069 Neil Roberts (neilr64)
59 31987 Leslie Gan (leslie0318-176-813749)
60 31765 miriam_v_f (miriam_v_f)
61 31549 Jochen Bauer (jb71a)
62 31130 Pavel Pivovarchik (Martyr)
63 30987 Max Mogavero (max-wellsmart92)
64 30836 Invi Sec (invisec)
65 30633 Jordan Welch (mcwelch7)
66 30383 Tony Martin (GBrazier)
67 30092 Robert W. Anderson (Bronco46)
68 29837 edward hewitt (edwardhewitt65)
69 29469 Callum Walmsley (Solar_Dragon)
70 29390 Stuart Hample (Invisible2015)
71 29268 martinu-2 (martinu-2)
72 29211 Marhleet_DR (Marhleet_DR)
73 28639 James R. Banta (jaybee-3)
74 28344 Ben Hallums (Benhallums1)
75 27920 Koenraad G.F. VISSERS (k-vissers)
76 27707 Andrew Morris (Moz79)
77 27387 Felix Saenz (fsaenz0125)
78 27322 Gregory Alexandre (Greg75)
79 27139 dharmiroger (dharmiroger)
80 27133 jd-145 (jd-145)
81 26981 Jason Nadle (jason-nadle)
82 26955 Carl Hitchcock (carllh)
83 26653 Chris Schairer (SchaiDog)
84 26358 jambosana (jambosana)
85 26258 DariusCZ (DariusCZ)
86 26251 Gary M. James (GMJames)
87 25480 Gregor Overzier (Akasava)
88 24849 Tomi Haapanen (hatoju)
89 24827 Janice Rosas (janice-rosas)
90 24658 Dekkappai (Dekkappai)
91 24540 Mike Hafezi (TVBuff90)
92 24424 Kimberly Ngo (kimbertu)
93 24422 Arlene K. Witt (akw1933)
94 24352 Larry Cohn (lor_)
95 24306 Dante Orellana (pampeano2882)
96 23596 Lari Huhtala (sininenpiste)
97 23429 kenichiku (kenichiku)
98 23158 statmanjeff (statmanjeff)
99 22775 Largo Don Wen (LargoDonWen)
100 22560 stasa227 (stasa227)
101 22224 Jordi Reinders (jordireinders97)
102 22133 CPPB-Int (CPPB-Int)
103 21840 Heinrich-Pflueger (Heinrich-Pflueger)
104 21669 Steven Folger (SuperSteve1)
105 21655 Dan The Man (DanTheManBollywood)
106 21605 ScarlettMoon (ScarlettMoon)
107 21390 O. K. (altobelli5)
108 21305 Heidi Spiry (studio-100-animation)
109 21102 shatterdaymorn (shatterdaymorn)
110 20988 Sebastian Engstrom (Basse3)
111 20741 Allister Coots (tfssmbpl-imdb)
112 20550 Gabriel Taverney (duke1029)
113 19891 LORENZO SQUIZZATO (lorenz-pictures)
114 19638 rederiet (rederiet)
115 19505 Sampsa86 (Sampsa86)
116 19497 MrBlondNYC (MrBlondNYC)
117 19492 smcgann14 (smcgann14)
118 19254 Dale V (dale79)
119 19195 Marvin Alleyne (marv-84)
120 18993 Jack Lamas (ExplorerDS6789)
121 18976 lapantera (lapantera)
122 18858 Jan G. (jan_nihilation)
123 18313 Dominic Khouri (dj-dom)
124 18218 Bogong (Bogong)
125 18110 Matt Affleck (Matt-Affleck)
126 18097 mildperil (mildperil)
127 18082 Jean Morel (Happy_Evil_Dude)
128 18067 davefoss (davefoss)
129 17980 Donald Minifie (minifie-1)
130 17749 Luis Javier Doncel Vecino (ljdoncel)
131 17262 Jayseph (Jayseph @IMDb)
132 17251 Mark Wood (Mark_a_Wood)
133 17193 loverswithcassie (loverswithcassie)
134 16892 Sheldon Warnock (swarnock)
135 16798 Thierri Vanholm (thierri.vanholm)
136 16557 failedmagician (failedmagician)
137 16487 Charlie Barnes (charliebarnes868)
138 16330 steven arnold (St-Ar)
139 16149 John Johnson (naples-884-346409)
140 15994 Adrian Gonzalez Vina (prinsmars_91)
141 15991 Roee Yaron (roeeyaron)
142 15985 guy Bellinger (guy-bellinger)
143 15899 B. Mott (ben-5678)
144 15687 Ron Higgins (Ron)
145 15514 francisco ogalde (Sekho)
146 15191 sheilaforever (sheilaforever)
147 15181 thelampan (thelampan)
148 15108 Lance Henderson (lanc-134-993247 @IMDb)
149 14918 Brad Couch (aikidomastersc123)
150 14839 Johan Melle (johanim)
151 14835 Mark Riquelme (mark-riquelme-94)
152 14719 C. D. Williams (dusean)
153 14629 screamtwo25 (screamtwo25)
154 14401 Justin Boggan (justinboggan)
155 14344 RSaVLSG (RSaVLSG)
156 14236 SlapCapFever (SlapCapFever)
157 14198 Alex Warheit (TiredAlex)
158 13580 Kari Hakkinen (Kari Hakkinen)
159 13527 Lukas Gensel (l-gensel)
160 13519 Bulma PunkRocker (BulmaPunkRocker)
161 13487 Einar Myre (EMyre)
162 13376 Stephane Maltais (MStephane)
163 13351 Tate MacPherson (t-macpherson123)
164 13315 seatonks (seatonks)
165 13310 Annie Groeninger (annie-groeninger @IMDb)
166 13241 Phillip Arnold (tazjjh)
167 13146 Megan Covington (megcov @IMDb)
168 13133 Nicola Ferri (Bolkonskij)
169 13076 Frank Brenner (SirPercy)
170 13012 projectobjectvault (projectobjectvault)
171 12710 Mark Smith (Zynntyxx)
172 12653 phendragon2000 (phendragon2000)
173 12614 David Fisher (david-fisher26-781-328172)
174 12607 skillwithaquill (skillwithaquill)
175 12596 Sandeep Mukherjee (sandeep306)
176 12545 david-879 (david-879)
177 12534 arorashadow_2003 (arorashadow_2003)
178 12527 Mark Donovan (starfyre)
179 12387 GlosBio (GlosBio)
180 12228 Jacques Rigborg (Rigborg)
181 12170 stuart antony (stuartantony)
182 12090 A B (Alfabeta)
183 12038 dwildt (dwildt)
184 11914 David Glagovsky (Moodri)
185 11906 Martijn Weghorst (MWeghorst)
186 11823 stefano sette (stefanopv87)
187 11724 George Kaparounakis (capamaroux-1)
188 11600 rudy vargas (Tonyv77)
189 11597 jpulid2 (jpulid2)
190 11586 selmovero (selmovero)
191 11535 Thomas Porter (ThomasPorter @IMDb)
192 11519 rogueunit (rogueunit)
193 11463 Maddie Merritt (marume1412)
194 11203 Larry B. (mep1019)
195 11063 Marcello Caristi (MC83)
196 10952 T.J. Lindner (Tom-413)
197 10906 Adam Applesauce (hadroner-imdb2)
198 10824 Martin Rutegard (marre_rut)
199 10757 Jonathan Markoff (jmarkoff2)
200 10690 Mario Remon (mayi62)
201 10611 Col Needham (Col Needham @IMDb)
202 10473 sidney burns (burnssidney)
203 10432 Aleksey Kouksa (kouksa)
204 10415 jhpebpo (jhpebpo)
205 10380 Nikolay Yeriomin (nikolayyeriomin)
206 10380 Pedro Carvalho (jpedroccarvalho)
207 10219 Lance McPhee (Godslaye)
208 10157 David Wong (MrDHWong)
209 10135 Adelaide Stratton (adelaide-stratton)
210 10027 modin (modin)
211 9991 Pencho15 (Pencho15)
212 9978 Conor Coyle (ccoyle36)
213 9974 Marco van Hoof (k_luifje)
214 9948 Paweł Kalinowski (kalina-10)
215 9943 Ian 161 (ijvincent)
216 9928 Gemma Bowden (xfactor-77460)
217 9810 David Diaz (Bonnascope)
218 9735 dylan-moir (dylan-moir)
219 9690 Megan Fitzwilliam (MegFitz)
220 9673 Vuk DraA3/4iA (siratlas1968)
221 9664 Vincent Lefevre (vinc17)
222 9385 David (xmagic_dustx)
223 9372 Bianca Berbick (MJJMoonwalker)
224 9371 Danny Tee (somestrangeperson)
225 9320 Kamran Qureshi (nm4468748)
226 9256 Haynes Lee (haynes-2)
227 9233 markpaone (markpaone)
228 9211 nval-1 (nval-1)
229 9206 Fusayoshi Umezono (Umezon)
230 9185 pawrutko (pawrutko)
231 9061 franko1212 (franko1212)
232 9061 Guilherme Omena (guilhermeomena)
233 8933 Glenn Brinkmann (brinkmann-huerth)
234 8870 nrangerseven (nrangerseven)
235 8796 Gus Fallon (GusF)
236 8782 Piotr Leoniak (kinoholik)
237 8754 John Ledford (john-ledford)
238 8708 arofficial (arofficial)
239 8702 Steven Thompson (stevtho)
240 8683 BryanAndrewJames (BryanAndrewJames)
241 8594 DwightFry (DwightFry)
242 8561 wwane (wwane)
243 8509 Elwood_Blues (Elwood_Blues)
244 8505 Rhyl Donnelly (rhyl_donnelly)
245 8474 Colin Penney (colinpenney)
246 8453 nono-13 (nono-13)
247 8421 denis rigg (rigg-2)
248 8416 for-useless-things (for-useless-things)
249 8416 Christian (dreamian)
250 8346 tozaki (tozaki)
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