keyword_expert's profile

2.7K Messages


47K Points

Sunday, November 13th, 2022 8:25 PM



IMDb Staff: Please delete and block these keywords

Dear IMDb staff,

The following keywords should be deleted and blocked from the system. I will explain why for each keyword.

Vague Keywords to Block

head-shot (0 titles)

The "head-shot" keyword is vague, because it could mean either "headshot-photograph" or "shot-in-the-head." The keyword has been fully "audited" down to zero titles. At this point it simply needs to be blocked from being used in the future.

Subjective/Improper Keywords to Delete and Block

based-on-distorted-reality (6 titles)

right-wing-fantasy (40 titles)

Both of those keywords are either fully subjective or have been used in a subjective manner. Neither keyword adds value to IMDb. They should both be deleted and blocked.

Genre Keywords to Delete and Block

short-video (33 titles)

short-video-series (3 titles)

video-short (41 titles)

true-life-story (2 titles)

Genres are not allowed to be listed in the keywords. The first three keywords on the list are disguised genre keywords for the Short genre, and the final one is disguised for the Biography genre. All four of these keywords have been fully "audited." They should all be deleted and blocked.

Accepted Solution



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

2 years ago

Hi keyword_expert-


Deleted and blocked!


2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Bethanny​ Thank you so much!