keyword_expert's profile

2.7K Messages


47K Points

Tuesday, January 17th, 2023 9:25 PM


IMDb staff: Please approve this genre addition

I keep trying to get this genre addition approved, to no avail. I am convinced that certain genre edits are never reviewed by humans.

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Your Contribution

17 January 2023
BMX Bandits (1983)
2 items
 Declined (2)


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Your Comment
This movie qualifies for the Family genre because it is oriented toward children. The film was rated "G." It features a group of teenagers doing stunts on bicycles. The user reviews is filled with people who reported watching the movie as a kid with their family, like this review:
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I will add this, from the film's Wikipedia page, as further evidence this film was marketed and geared toward families:

The movie was shot over 41 days, a longer than normal shoot because of the labour restrictions caused by the fact many of the cast were under 16. Trenchard-Smith:

I wanted to capture the spirit of the Ealing comedies and British films of the '50s and '60s that were clearly aimed at children and delivered action and fun in a largely cartoonish way. If you look at the basic premise of the plot, the crooks clearly want to or intend to kill the children at some point, so how do you disguise that and make that palatable to an audience of kids and parents? You make the crooks buffoonish, the gang that couldn’t shoot straight, so that takes the curse off the underlying purpose.[4]

Also, I will add that Wikipedia lists this film as an Action film, not an Adventure film. The action may be geared toward children, but it is action nonetheless. And I don't think it qualifies for the Adventure genre, because the film does not feature any expeditions, quests, journeys, travels, etc. Between the two, Action is the far better fit than Adventure.

Accepted Solution



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

2 years ago

Hey @keyword_expert -

Approved :)


2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Bethanny​ Thank you!