yerffej_remhad's profile

6 Messages


232 Points

Friday, October 8th, 2021 1:49 AM

No Status

IMDb Removed my Review

I left a review for the film Don’t Breathe 2 and entitled the review Don’t Watch 2. Obviously my review was initially approved as it’s been on the site for a while, with over sixty-six votes, receiving about thirty or more upvotes. 

I left the film a one-star rating. All of a sudden the review has vanished without a word of warning. There was nothing obscene or defamatory or whatever to justify the removal of my review. I found the initial confirmation email from IMDb and have copied and pasted the review below:

“I went into the theater with mixed feelings, having been a fan of the first film but at the same time being aware of the less than stellar reviews. Well, the latter is true; that is, this film sucks.

Those who watched the first film may recall that the ending saw a female survivor at an airport when the television there showed the unknown location of this veteran. Thus for a sequel we expected some plot for vengeance or something. None of the sort occurred. Instead we are presented with regurgitated clichés, melodramatic scenes, and a stupid ending where which the orphaned girl is the lone survivor and joins a group of orphans in an attempt at a heartwarming gesture. Please! Spare me! This film was supposed to be about the freaking veteran not an orphanage! Feminist overtones abound!

Not to mention the plethora of scenes where the "criminals" come up with excuses not to kill the veteran: "Not in front of my kid, take him outside!" shouts the father. Yeah, sure, like she hasn't seen the vet slice and dice your goons before. In short, more clichés, cringeworthy melodramatic scenes, and a nonsensical detour in plot make this film one of the worst I've seen thus far. I want the $30 I paid for my coke and popcorn back!!!”

Can someone please explain to me why this review would be removed???

466 Messages


8.5K Points

3 years ago

Thanks for your message.



Please do not include any profanity, obscenities, or spiteful remarks in either the body or header of your review. 


Please re-submit this review and we will happily re-examine your update.


Thanks for your understanding.


6 Messages


232 Points


Excuse me? Did you read my review? I did not include any profanity or obscenities? It was already approved of as is and has been on the site for quite some time so your response is nonsensical. 

I asked why it was removed. If you’re going to tell me it contains profanity or obscenity you better give an example. The closest I came to using profanity was with the word “freaking” which is not profanity and commonly used to substitute for profanity.

If you’re going to remove every review that contains the word “freaking” or some variation of it then you have a lot of work ahead of you. 

Please don’t respond with such pithy plebeian dribble.

1 Message


60 Points

3 years ago

The reason you got that canned response is because imdb are using Sprinklr AI to manage responses to users support requests. Bad AI is the reason you see these canned responses to questions all over the Internet.

Sadly, now imdb is so massive and their infrastructure creaking under the strain of so many user issues, I suspect any help requests from users will go unheard, and these useless AI responses will be commonplace.