1 Message


70 Points

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 7:30 PM


IMDb film title release dates - newest date not showing

We've added a new release date to a film, but the newest date (2024) isn't showing next to the film's title, an older date (2023) is showing. Can it please be updated? Title is  "Advanced Chemistry" with number: tt28536290  Thank you.



7.4K Messages


275K Points

3 months ago

Studio: For clarity, the year in parentheses after the film's title is the first year in which the film was released or shown to the public. Additional release dates in later years do not affect the year in parentheses.

Since Advanced Chemistry was first shown to the public in 2023 (see https://www.instagram.com/advancedchemistrymovie/p/C0UoGd1xZhE/ , https://www.instagram.com/advancedchemistrymovie/p/CzcbbtyM_QL/https://danceswithfilms.com/about/press/ , and https://web.archive.org/web/20231222224544/https://danceswithfilms.com/schedule/ ), the 2023 year in parentheses is correct for this film.
