7 Messages


130 Points

Thursday, June 13th, 2024 7:26 PM


IMDb credit

How do I add an IMDb credit as I was in series and my daughter was in a film but we have no credit



7.4K Messages


275K Points

3 months ago

Shakira: I have a few general questions.

First of all, did your name/your daughter's name appear on screen in the credits of the TV show/film?

Second, if not, are you or your daughter already listed in IMDb for work on some other project?

Third, is the TV show/film you/your daughter worked on already listed in IMDb?

Fourth, do you know what episode of the TV series you worked on, and is that episode already listed under the series listing in IMDb? (You will need to submit your credit to the episode page, not to the page for the overall series.)

Please provide all the details about this situation, like your name, your daughter's name, and what series/film you were each in. With this information, it will be easier to advise you.

7 Messages


130 Points

her name is Anaya-sky Lueshing It is on  bbc i player one of the things she did a Christmas Carol and the other film is IMDb credit but she is not on there her name attached to the role is called two is a family it was on Netflix 2016 cinema prime etc

she played baby Gloria who is the main character her role is listed on IMDb casting but no name who played her and my daughter is not already listed  on imdb. How do I submit page to episode edit?

7 Messages


130 Points

Are these messages just for our eyes or are they public for everyone to see? I would prefer if there private 



7.4K Messages


275K Points

Shakira: This is a public message board and anyone can view these messages.

If you are willing to provide the details here in public, I would have to ask more questions to help you.

Otherwise, you will probably have to wait for an IMDb staffer to respond, as they can communicate with you in a more private way.

7 Messages


130 Points

@gromit82​ when will they contact me ? And can you answer the questions  I asked in the previous email so I can add the credit 



7.4K Messages


275K Points

@Shakira1987​ I don't know when the staff will contact you.

And I can't answer the questions you originally asked yet. I'm still hoping that you will answer the first question I asked above: Did your daughter's name appear on screen in the credits of the films?

You also said that one of the films your daughter appeared in was A Christmas Carol. There are more than 50 films with that title (https://www.imdb.com/find/?q=a%20christmas%20carol&s=tt&exact=true) and it would help if you could specify which one it was.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

@Shakira1987​ 😀

Joined on June 13, 2024

You tried this??

IMDb Contact Us email





2.3K Messages


23.5K Points

Hello Shakira1987,

You can submit he credits using our online Update Form, remember to attach evidence for us to confirm the credits are correct. You can find detailed instructions and help in our Help Articles.

7 Messages


130 Points

Where do I get the form can you send the link? And how do I delete our conversation that we had so it cannot be public anymore 



2.3K Messages


23.5K Points

You can go to the title page and scroll down to the bottom, you will find a "Edit" option.

You can remove the post at the top right corner of the thread, next to the status you have three dots, you will see the options to manage or delete.

7 Messages


130 Points

I can’t find how to add credit please can you add it, she played baby Gloria in a feature film

Demain tout commence in was released June 2016
and she played grace cratchit in a Christmas carol directed by mark gatiss November 2023 and January 2024



2.3K Messages


23.5K Points

We do not add credits, we are a contributor based page, you can add it using the page. You have the option at the bottom of the title pages as "Edit Page":

You can find detailed instructions and help in our Help Articles.

7 Messages


130 Points

I did it can you confirm it has been received and what do I do now?

155 Messages


2.4K Points

You can find the status of your contributions (for your submissions except User Reviews) in the Contribution History on the Contributor Zone page.