4 Messages


102 Points

Tuesday, January 30th, 2024 2:55 PM


IMDB censoring my reviews

IMDB keeps censoring my review of the Sandman TV series because I pointed out how about a third of the cast is black when they only represent 12% of the US population. It’s truth. Look the stats up and then count how many blacks are represented in this series. I have nothing against blacks, I just find it unrealistic to cast so many blacks when they represent a very much smaller part of the population. Too woke. Here is the review:

I enjoyed this series even though it deviated from the comic book several times. The worst part of The Sandman was the casting. Blacks represent about 12% of the US population, but in this series blacks represent like 35% of the total cast. Maybe even more than 35%. Completely unrealistic, and it was rather obvious that charity was given. Woke is an understatement, and I think it ruins the series a little bit. As far as the casting goes, they added as many big names to the cast as they could, even if they were a poor fit for the role. Gwendolyn Cristie as Lucifer is a good example of a star name thrown in there who didn't fit the role very well. Charles Dance is another big name added that I didn't think fit the role of Roderick Burgess, and I’m a fan of Charles Dance. It's as if he didn't read the books and had no comprehension of the character he was playing. Patton Oswalt was a good fit as Matthew the Raven, and made the series better IMO. All in all, the series is decent and worth a watch if you can get past the poor and unrealistic casting.



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

8 months ago

Hi @HeatM1ser,

The above review has and will be declined because it is in violation of our guidelines. If you wish to review this title, you will need to edit the content of your review in accordance with our guidelines and re-submit.


4 Messages


102 Points

@Ozzy​ what words specifically were in violation?



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @HeatM1ser​,

This information can be found in the guidelines.


4 Messages


102 Points

8 months ago

You don’t want to tell me because I’m right, I was censored for pointing out that blacks represent 12% of the US population but account for about a third of the total cast. Woke AF!



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @HeatM1ser,

As stated in the guidelines:

Negative mentions of casting decisions based on race, or calling out diversity in a negative light.

Not acceptable:

  • That one Superhero TV show that was hijacked by BLM to "save face" Inappropriate and immoral. Worst choice in changing from a white hero to a black hero mid-show. (Negative reference to race in casting)
  • I don't mind the ethnic diversity as long as the actors do a good enough job (Indicates issues with diverse casting)
  • Also there has been backlash around people of color being casted for roles. The issue isn't that people of color have been casted, it's that some of the roles aren't believable. (negative connotation around casting, saying casting for diversity is controversial)
  • The controversial casting, skin color is not according to the canon, which many were afraid to see in the series, did not spoil the series, but added some zest. (negative connotation around casting, saying casting for diversity is controversial)


Any use of the terms Karen, Mary Sue, or Woke in any variation or context (positive or negative) unless it refers to a title or to the name of a performer or a character.

Not acceptable:

  • I'm shocked at the audacity of the filmmakers to turn such a blind eye in the name of political wokeness. I'm not expecting total historical accuracy from Hollywood, but this has to be THE most blind to history I've ever seen. Anyone with half a brain cell can do the quick research and find how glaringly off this movie is (Reference to wokeness)
  • Nothing in this movie ever actually happened. This is the best, most bald-faced attempt at race-hustling audiences into believing the general lie that European men are responsible for all of the ills of modern society.

I hope this helps!

4 Messages


102 Points

I did not criticize a single black person, only the casting. Verify it for yourself, it’s easy to do. Everything I said was 100% true(the stats)and can be easily verified. So my review wasn’t posted because I spoke truth without criticizing a single person for their race.
