agof's profile

536 Messages


9.6K Points

Sunday, April 3rd, 2022 8:24 PM


images vandalism

soooo there is a series of games called akumajo dracula, it was published in usa under the name of castlevania

i spent a lot of time researching auctions and history books on the topic and found some actual poster of the time of release and uploaded them. right now almost every picture in the series pages is a fanart made of press assets or scanning art books.

i try to clean up them one by one spending hours on every picture trying to find a single source proving that it is at least an ad or boxart or digital press kit before submitting them for deletion. but for the last month someone uploads 10 new fanart pictures without burden of proof for every single one i research to be tailor made fanart for imdb picture. i can't match that speed, is there anything anyone can do about it? and the quality of new fanart ranges from slapping a trasnparent  logo on artbook scan to actual obvious paintbrush madskillz with [blending options>drop shadow] or glow

how do people become the imdb moderators for images? any way i can become one?

536 Messages


9.6K Points

3 years ago


rm2533105153 literally says "hacked"

rm2566659585 and here you can see the part where they cropped the jewel, box image and duplicated the etxture

rm2633768449 and this one uses incorrect font that was created 6 years later (a guess, but other games used akumajo 1 font, not 2003 game's font)




5.4K Messages


57.3K Points

3 years ago

Hi agof-


We appreciate you taking the time to report this, I can see the images mentioned are now deleted, if there are any more fan art images please feel free to report them so we can delete them. As for adding more images, I have given an alert to our editors to be extra careful and watch out for fan art.



536 Messages


9.6K Points


for example a title i haven't touched yet

even dupes

these look suspicious since they lack any markings 

and cursory googling do not show them (and you know how bothersome it's to extract the images from inside IMDB HTML code)



but the one without the light bleed was categorized as poster instead of boxart

lurking on auctions reveals that there is an actual poster in existence

and there are a lot of titles

like, this one has 8 pictures in category "poster"

one them is ether a boxart or imitation of the box art

or these "posters"


536 Messages


9.6K Points


check the primary image history on this one, each time i switch to one of the existing posters it gets reverted to the artbook scan with logo tacked on

536 Messages


9.6K Points

@Bethanny​ during today alone the primary images were switched multiple times around already. 

soooo any way i can become a mod?

536 Messages


9.6K Points

@Bethanny​ why is it marked "solved" if nothing is solved? after that that same person switched them about a ten times more and now after the night all of them again are displaying fanarts instead of real posters




17.3K Messages


311.5K Points

3 years ago

Hi Agof -

Upon reviewing several of these images, the issue at hand is that these images are categorized as "Posters" when they should instead be categorized as "Product" (for example, this image for "Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia"), is that correct?

Initially you also mentioned that there was fan art present on these title pages, however, I was unable to easily identify these images.  If there is fan art on the site, the best way to report it is by clicking on the Flag icon below the image and filling out a report form which our image editors will review.  Otherwise, if you have already reported these images and they were not removed, post the IMDb image links here and our staff can take another look.

536 Messages


9.6K Points


the question was not about individual pictures, but about contributors who repeatedly upload and change primary images. this time it's akumajo. several years ago i wrote here about a contributor constantly switching the 7 samurai poster to their own fanart

atm i dealt with some of the images and cleaned them up. the image you've linked is a fanart: NDS boxes are nearly square and horizontal. these two are obviously fan made

aaaand while i'm writing this that person has returned and continues to upload their fanart and change primary images

both of these were deleted a ten times already

so as i said, the main propblem is that someone intentionally made their own custom images by photoshopping concept art and relentlessly uploads them to imdb faster than i can delete them




5.4K Messages


57.3K Points

@agof​ Hi!

Is this still an ongoing issue?
If so can you link the fake images below to check if I can track down the user adding them?


536 Messages


9.6K Points

@Bethanny​ it was an issue again this autumn and i fixed it again and also tracked down several more official posters



5.4K Messages


57.3K Points

@agof​ So you deleted them already? if so, do you happen to have the submission references for the deletions?


536 Messages


9.6K Points


april, september and now in december 1

i've tracked down the sources of them all. some of them are copied from deviantart, some are made by adding a wrong logo to textless digital postcards, some a crops of boxart deleting the platform information. many are copied from some site aggregating such images made by many people for digital collection tracking

here are some examples

1 December 2022
1 December 2022
1 December 2022
1 December 2022

536 Messages


9.6K Points

@Bethanny​ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we go again

less than a month

this image outright doesn't exist

there was no english language release and the font is wrong and the name is wrong

the only source is IMDB

can't you add some note for moderators to not even accept images for these titles without body of proof? like there are protected pages in wikipedia if they are often vandalized

536 Messages


9.6K Points

and for example, i use photographic evidence before uploading an image as a poster



5.4K Messages


57.3K Points

@agof​ Deleted! And note added.


536 Messages


9.6K Points

@Bethanny​ you mean you've deleted only one image?

can't you see the user who uploaded it and check their other uploads and delete those?

at least the ones related to akumajo titles these are all definitely trolling

and it's very petty trolling too

here's official poster


here's a lower res image with higher res logo in the wrong colours and with all trademarks deleted. this isn't a question of a picture but just a craving to upload fanart for the sake of fanart



5.4K Messages


57.3K Points

@agof​ Both images linked have to be deleted? or 1 is real? didn't quite understand.
And as I have explained on previous occasions, I can't track the user because they come from different users.


536 Messages


9.6K Points



5.4K Messages


57.3K Points

@agof​ To be completely honest there is not much noticeable difference between the 2 images, that is the reason why even with the note for our editors they are still being accepted, unless you are a fan I would think both images come from the same source. I can't track the user uploading them either because they are all coming from different sources.

536 Messages


9.6K Points

do these sources contribute anything useful to the database otherwise? or each account is created to upload one same image?

it's a coordinated bot farm because 10 minutes ago i returned the real images and poof all of them are fanart againt. how several unrelated users can do that? there isn't even a wikipedia style watchlist

if it's a bot farm, why not ban the whole farm? do their IP match? if it's a single point source, leading directly to one owner, then why not ban the IP


536 Messages


9.6K Points

@Bethanny​ well if there is a note, there has to be a proper reason for changing a primary image. if they look similar then why accept the change at all?

this is a year long issue, so repeated vandalism is expected

536 Messages


9.6K Points

536 Messages


9.6K Points

and since it's all the same pictures, why not ban anyone who uploads them who also doesn't have useful contributions?

if a troll does something useful with each new account that would be at least something, but if it's new accounts created just to upload fanart why not ban them?

536 Messages


9.6K Points

@Bethanny​ if there was a note nobody read it. all exactly the same images were used

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9.6K Points

2 years ago

and they are being changed again right as we are talking

this is the site i was talking about, pulled from steamgridb

536 Messages


9.6K Points

2 years ago

a day later and the bot farm back at it

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2 years ago

here it is as always

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2 years ago

30 December 2022
30 December 2022
they are botted right back just as they are deleted

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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9.6K Points

2 years ago

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9.6K Points

2 years ago