51 Messages


698 Points

Saturday, September 14th, 2024 1:27 AM

No Status

Images uploading for cast credits

This is under the individual episodes for television credits, when you go into images, under the episodes. 

You click on the uploader to select a headshot file for an actor credit, no worries. Yet recently each attempt gives me a file warning of 5000 x 3000 size, which is incorrect, as I've previously uploaded thumbnails without any issues.  What happened?   

No matter what I do, the loader will not budge from the 5000 x 3000 size, which normally refers to like a full studio or production shot. While headshots are typically smaller thumbnails.  I wish to get this finalized with the appropriate headshots on my episodes please.

Thanks for the help!



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

5 months ago


Do you mean uploading images to the title so it shows on the cast list?


51 Messages


698 Points

Yes - both the title and the cast images.  Nothing works.



17.7K Messages


315.6K Points

Hi @nettiegurl16​ -

I'm not certain I am understanding exactly how you are trying to add images, are you adding them through the "+ Add Photo" option on the episode title page:

Or are you trying to upload images via another way (e.g., Title Scorecard account)?

If you can confirm the exact steps in your reply here that would be helpful for us to better understand.


51 Messages


698 Points

Sorry for the late response .... I was meaning adding headshots to empty cast names, if that makes sense.  I tried going into one of the profiles with tons of TV credits under my Pro account. But there was no option to upload any image or headshot on their page.  Nor anywhere in the individual episode page itself. 



2.7K Messages


28K Points

Hello nettiegurl16,

The "Add Image" option is only available on IMDb title pages (i.e. movies, TV shows, TV episodes, video games, etc.). Adding images to name pages requires an IMDbPro membership - to learn more, please see Adding photos to IMDb.

51 Messages


698 Points

I just visited a title's page today to find NO "add image" anywhere in it's appropriate spot.  So aggravating when trying to update information.

Also.... IMDb reported down right now 😥

51 Messages


698 Points

1 month ago

Went to update some images including the primary photo on my former Improv company page recently, to see THIS.  Which does not make me at all pleased, considering the image I initially uploaded as the primary did not look this way.

And down below IN the Images section, there was no option to add any additional.  I'm so confused.  Why does this happen every so often?   I know IMDb goes down like any other platform, for maintenance etc.

Is that what this is?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Updating image issues



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@nettiegurl16​ Are you not seeing the "Add image" button on https://pro.imdb.com/title/tt28313894/images as highlighted here:

If not, how about the "+ Add photo" link on the right just above the images on https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28313894/mediaindex/ 

For information on adding photos, please also see -> https://help.imdb.com/article/contribution/images-videos/imdb-image-faqs/G64MGN2G43F42PES 

Hope this helps. 

51 Messages


698 Points

Sorry .. was super frustrated when posting. 

The 'add' on the Images tab was unavailable or not there, when I attempted to reload my photo.   Which happens quite a bit, honestly.  Including the Video tab which isn't always present either.  Perhaps a glitch with the website, not sure.  



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@nettiegurl16​ This might happen if you have multiple IMDb accounts and you are logged in to the wrong account (or not logged in at all if one www.imdb.com). 

51 Messages


698 Points


Not entirely sure what you mean about being logged into more than one account.  Editing is only allowed for Pro users, to my understanding. And is separate from regular IMDb.  

This imaging error has been a regular thing on Pro, others have addressed also, with no fix in sight it seems.  Half the time even add-video isn't available or working.   Any solution?

I tried re-adding today in my Pro account, and same result ...  No option to add new images, or change the Primary.