13 Messages


270 Points

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024 12:36 AM


Images Keep Being Declined

I've had a number of images declined with the reasoning "Does not meet contribution guidelines," even though it says it was approved for publication. I know there's a lot, but can someone please take another look?




1.5K Messages


16.5K Points

2 months ago

Hi inspiringsun-

Thank you for posting the submission reference numbers! I have reviewed all of these and the images were approved however, what was rejected were the title links submitted to each. 

I have taken a look at each and they were correctly link to the respective titles. I have added all these for you and the changes will be live on the site shortly. 


13 Messages


270 Points

Hi @Maya​,

Thank you for approving the images above.

I submitted several more afterwards, but they also got declined:




5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

@inspiringsun​ Hi! Tags have been added, changes will be live on the site shortly.
