sshahar1's profile

71 Messages


2.1K Points

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024 6:39 PM


Image tagging edits for an 'Law & Order' episode rejected wrongfully


the images on the episode corruption are actually from the episode empire

the photos note the participation of Julia Roberts (which was on empire) and other actors that later joined the show, and some of the images also note the word "Empire".

I made edits:

But they were all rejected. Can this please be reconsidered?
Thanks in advance

Accepted Solution



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

5 months ago

Hi @sshahar1 -

I have resubmitted 2 on your behalf, for 240401-205710-689502 the image says Corruption, so it doesn't make much sense to delete Corruption and add Empire.


71 Messages


2.1K Points

Hi @Bethanny thank you for your response and fixing both photos.

I think is also on empire notice both Julia Roberts and Angie Armon are on the poster, they weren't in the "corruption" episode and Angie Armon's character was not even introduced in that season.

In addition this trivia inicates the empire episode is also called "Corruption empire" which explains the corruption on the image.

Thanks in advance



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

@sshahar1​ Got it! Thanks for clarifying. I have fixed that one too.


71 Messages


2.1K Points

Many thanks @Bethanny