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Friday, June 21st, 2019 6:30 AM


Idea for submitting trivia items with option for verification

I recently had a trio of trivia items rejected that I had done some reading on before posting. Thanks to the board here that's been resolved, but it just gave me an idea. When doing a correction or deletion of a good or trivia item, there are radio boxes for why one is making the change along with a text box for other. If that text box were made available for when submitting an item it would be possible to submit support for an item and avoid rejection.
It obviously wouldn't be needed for every item so it wouldn't be a required thing to do, but at least it would be an option if someone felt it would be helpful. In addition, it would avoid then having to potentially post over here.
I've done database work for over 25 years, and making a guess as to how your data is stored, making that change would be simple. I don't do web programming so I don't know the level of difficulty with changing the submission interface, but since there already is the programming for when an item is being corrected I'd guess it should be easy to adjust.
Storage space would need some space, but that is very cheap today.
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