3 Messages


154 Points

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024 10:07 AM


ID error involving actress Andrea Riseborough and BBC tv presenter/documentary-maker Martha Kearney

IMDB's entry headed 'Martha Kearney' is thoroughly wrong. She, and images (including elsewhere than IMDB), and biography, are confused with 'Andrea Riseborough', who has her own entry. 

Accepted Solution



17.2K Messages


310K Points

8 months ago

Hi @SannyFerrien -

Are there any further outstanding issues that were missed?

3 Messages


154 Points


One other point on Martha's page: I feel it is misleading to be described here only as an actress; she is primarily a prominent tv presenter, and, as far as I see, her credits relate to playing herself, production and an autobiographical piece re beekeeping.

I'm not aware of anything else outstanding.



17.2K Messages


310K Points

Hi @SannyFerrien​ -

I can see that Martha has 4 "Actress" title credits and 37 "Self" title credits, we cannot customize the profession, this is automatic based on the credit categories. 

However, if Martha is an IMDbPro Premium member, she will be able to manage her primary profession listing, you can find more information about this on our Help Guide.




14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

Also, it is possible to add a custom biography to the page, which would replace the automated bio that says "She is an actress ..."



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

8 months ago

Hi @SannyFerrien -

Can you link the name page below? Is all data on that page for Andrea Riseborough?


3 Messages


154 Points


The clips are of Andrea Riseborough, as also at least some of the film links. The biographical info - dob and husband - is of Martha Kearney.

There is confusion elsewhere on the web. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GCg8MsUXgAAKLzp?format=jpg&name=small

This image, connecting the face with BBC Today programme, is of Andrea Riseborough, but in an Twitter post about Martha: https://twitter.com/elliegoulding/status/1740707450653721011 




14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

​I don't think any of the credits are Riseborough's.

The picture in the Twitter post is of Ellie Goulding.




17.2K Messages


310K Points

Hi @Peter_pbn​ -

Thanks for reporting all these videos, they have now been tagged to the correct title listings.



14.2K Messages


327.8K Points


There is one video left (the last one I listed above).



17.2K Messages


310K Points

Thanks @Peter_pbn​ - I was having some trouble with the tooling earlier, seems to have saved the correct tag now.  Changes should be live on the site shortly!