7 Messages


120 Points

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022 1:03 AM



I need to delete an imdb page and its data

Back in 2019, when I was 15, I made an IMDB page for myself (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11047853/) with fake data. I put myself as a director for a school short film (that didn't even air publicly), and I wasn't even the director at all.

Not only that, but in the page's biography, I said I'm a director and producer (not true), and I said I was featured in a few commercials and have made small TV appearances as an actor on extra for both national and local TV media channels. I was never featured anywhere because I'm not an actor. My only appearances on TV have been for street interviews 

I want to delete the entire page or every single piece of information in it (biography, birth name, known for, filmography). Can anyone help me with this request? I can prove my identity if IMDB needs it

Kind Regards,




17.6K Messages


314.6K Points

3 years ago

Hi thiagoaraujo04 -

Our aim is to be the most complete and reliable source of movie, TV, and entertainment information on the web. In order to continue offering our users an accurate and trustworthy service, it is our policy not to alter or delete any kind of correct/factual information from our records.

We believe the data listed on your IMDb page is factual, as such we cannot remove this title or page as requested.

7 Messages


120 Points

@Michelle​ It is not factual. For instance, the short film that I claimed I directed has an Instagram page.

You can clearly see the cast listed on this post: https://www.instagram.com/p/B30AcDTgpgF/. "Direção" means "Direction", which means "people that were part of the Director team". There are 3 people listed of which all 3 are ladies, and none of them is me. I'm a guy.

My biography is clearly incorrect. I never directed or produced anything, I'm literally 18 and when the page was created I was 15. That would make me one of the youngest director/producer in the world -- not true.

Also, I claimed to have participated in TV (commercials and made small appearances). Not true. You cannot check that. You can't find me on ANY commercials or any shows, because I never took part in them!!!

7 Messages


120 Points

Also, I am the one that "contributed" to having the page created and I still have access to the account as you can clearly see below

I know for a fact the information I provided isn't factual because I provided them myself. Please remove the page itself or delete all info. Kind regards

7 Messages


120 Points

3 years ago

Back in 2019, when I was 15, I made an IMDB page for myself (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11047853/) with fake data. I put myself as a director for a school short film (that didn't even air publicly), and I wasn't even the director at all. You can clearly see the cast listed on this post: https://www.instagram.com/p/B30AcDTgpgF/. "Direção" means "Direction", which means "people that were part of the Director team". There are 3 people listed of which all 3 are ladies, and none of them is me. I'm a guy.

My biography is clearly incorrect. I never directed or produced anything, I'm literally 18 and when the page was created I was 15. That would make me one of the youngest directors/producers in the world -- not true.

Also, I claimed to have participated in TV (commercials and made small appearances). Not true. You cannot check that. You can't find me on ANY commercials or any shows, because I never took part in them!!! I want to delete the entire page or every single piece of information in it (biography, birth name, known for, filmography). Can anyone help me with this request? I can prove my identity if IMDB needs it

Kind Regards,

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled need to delete an imdb page with fake data!

7 Messages


120 Points

Also, I am the one that "contributed" to having the page created and I still have access to the account as you can clearly see below

I know for a fact the information I provided isn't factual because I provided them myself. Please remove the page itself or delete all info. Kind regards



17.6K Messages


314.6K Points

3 years ago

Hi thiagoaraujo04 -

As mentioned above, it is our policy not to alter or delete any kind of correct/factual information or credit from our records. We have reviewed your request and believe the title was available for streaming on Youtube and available to the public, as such we cannot remove this listing from the database.

Concerning your mini-Bio, if there are errors, you are welcome to submit a Bio correction through our online Update form and our editors will review the requested changes. For detailed instructions on how to update your current Bio I encourage you to review our Help Guide.
