1 Message
70 Points
I didn't found a movie on IMDb
Hello! I searched the movie TMZ Presents: Hollywood's Ozempic Obsession that was launched this year, in 2024, and I didn't found it. Can you please add it as soon as possible?
1 Message
70 Points
Hello! I searched the movie TMZ Presents: Hollywood's Ozempic Obsession that was launched this year, in 2024, and I didn't found it. Can you please add it as soon as possible?
17.7K Messages
315.7K Points
6 months ago
Hi @cezarteodosiu - If the title is not listed on the IMDb site, it means that it has not yet been submitted. You are welcome to submit this missing title through our online Update form, for detailed instructions on how to add a new title I encourage you to review our Help Guide.